The Dingle Wingle

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Hi My name is Anaya and I love writing but hate the pain of editing and hate grammar but I love coming up with awesome stories. So this is my diary and let's get started

Dear Journal,

It has been a long time that I have no talked you and well things are no that good. My cousin found my Wattpad password and now makes up inappropriate stories and I want to delete it but she is also my cuz so. But today was okay  my friends Tessa and Dru made me run lines and sucides  . Which brings me to the topic of suicide. What should we do
. I have been having sucidal thoughts and now I am depressed my well kind of boyfriend has well layed off me.  See I also had a very big crush on this person and he does not have any time for me. Me and him were al title thing like he would hold my hand and he would stare deep into my Eye Pupils. This Part of my journal is called Dingle Wingless  I want to Start of this part by saying that I feel like I am depressed every night I can't go to sleep I try to be positive in school because I always use to be positive. Plus I am already losing all my friends I don't want to become EMO but I want to be a self harmed and want to commit suicide and just want to finish me because when I die nothing will very happen all the people in the school I go o will actually be very happy and yell my name in laughs tone in the hallways . Maybe even decorate my locker and say how my destiny was a failure trust me I had a dream bout this a long time ago. I tried cutting myself with a thumbtack but instead I made a couple of scratches ,my mom one toe had this golden liquid and it has thing for animals to help team feel better but actually it's poison for human but good for animals . I use to have A and B in my grade book but now I gave up I feel like my but is so big that I can't move anywhere and my thighs are as fast as a hippo.

Now I need help I found this Girl/Boy named Xender Child she is on Wattpad and hopefully she will help me with this. I want to this and keep doing this because I love it and love the feeling but is still  wondering how I will manage life
Love you

Hey Fans Hey
I want to start by saying how much I am in love with writing this story this Tory is true and I will rite many entries and I am so excited to start writing my Novel SUNSHINE GIRL! If you are ordering I have already mad a book called room don't read it my cuz made it and she said NO DELETE so yah love you guys email me at



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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