Ch. 16 The Guest

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Harper Morgan
  The car ride back to the Ranch is a lot more serious than when we left. Now, I can honestly say the phrase,  'you could cut the tension with a knife.' Is very literal thing. My mind races with thoughts of me and Ajax together, finally! I glance at his side profile taking in the hard lines of his face. He's perfect, always has been but where will this take us? I mean I just moved out. I want to take it slow but I want to be with him too. Its been strange coming home and falling right back in my old habits. Now, that I know he wants me and I'm like a kid in a candy store. Every little comment or look has me wanting him. There is no doubt in my mind what will happen when we get back to the Ranch and the anticipation has me crossing my legs in excitement.
When Ajax turns the truck into he long driveway I glance towards him, wanting to confirm my suspicions. "Are we, uh-Are we going to-"
"You bet your sweet ass we are." He replies, giving me a sexy wink. Smirking, he focus's back on driving. Then he asks, "Who the hell is that?" I turn to look out the window seeing a black SUV sitting in the driveway. "Expecting anyone?"
I shake my head, "No, I don't know who it could be. Who drives a Mercedes in this town?"
"No one I know." He answers, putting the truck in park right beside the mysterious vehicle.
Opening the truck door I climb down and hear my name being shouted from the direction of the barn. I look over to see Remmy standing with Clint and Dan. My shock on seeing him keeps my feet cemented to the ground. "And who would that be?" Ajax questions, clearly annoyed and suspicious.
"That would be Remmy." I answer, watching him walk towards us.
"What's he doing here?"
I shrug, bewildered. "I have no idea." Getting over my amazement at seeing him I start to greet him. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, laughing as I open my arms to hug him.
"You left me no choice. A phone call a day is not asking for too much." He scolds.
"It is when you work on a Ranch. Long hours, long drives and spotty cell service." Standing back from our embrace I turn when I hear a Ajax sigh form behind me. "Ajax, this is Remmy, Remmy this is Ajax."
"You're the ball busting boss?" Remmy asks, jokingly.
"The very one." Ajax answers, as he holds out his hand. "Are you staying long?" The question causes me to blush, thinking about what we would be been doing if Remmy hadn't shown up. Not that I'm unhappy to see him, but I definitely could've used a heads up, or at the very least another hour before he showed up.
"Just a couple of days before I head back."
Nodding at his answer, Ajax asks, "Where are you staying?"
Remmy shrugs nonchalantly, "Haven't figured that out yet. I'm not much for making plans."
I chuckle, "Typical." I state, sarcastically. Remmy has always done this. Even at the start of our relationship, we could never make plans because he simply wouldn't adhere to them and it would drive me nuts. If we made plans to eat a specific restaurant he'd change his mind last minute and drive a hour out of town because he heard about a place with great burgers.
"You know me, I hate planning ahead." He admits, flashing his wide grin. "However, there is one thing I must do while I'm here." He says, emphasizing the word, 'do'.
I roll my eyes, heaven only knows what he means, "Pray tell what could that possibly be?" I ask, hesitantly.
"Your mom." He answers, smiling mischievously.
I shove his shoulder. "Really, had to get a 'your mom' joke in there? You were here what? five minutes?"
He laughs, "What can I say? I think me and your mom could be soulmates."
"Right." I reply, shaking my head in amusement.
"I'm kidding. What I meant was I'd like to meet her. Its your mind thats in the gutter. Clean it up, Ms. Morgen."
He orders, pushing me back.
"Well shes all yours." I offer, pointing to the house I grew up in. "It looks like shes home, you can help her start cooking dinner."
Confused he looks at his watch. "Its one o'clock."
"Yep. Takes all day. You'll have a lot of fun making apple pie from scratch and buttermilk biscuits-."
"Are you kidding me? What year is it?" He questions, horrified. "Oh, dear God. Please tell me you don't churn your own butter."
I laugh. "Come on. I'll take you to your destiny." I joke. "But give me a minute with, Ajax. I'll meet you at the barn."
"Hurry, I can hardly wait!" He shouts, already walking away leaving me to giggle at his excitement.
"He has perfect timing." Ajax, grumbles unhappily.
I wince at his tone. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"Doesn't make my balls any less blue. He's not staying with you at the Hersharw's." I cant tell if its a statement or a question but I shrug in response. His eyes narrow at my lack of reply. "Tell me he's not staying with you." He says, his temper starting to show.
"Well, can he stay with you?" I ask, not having many options.
"Are you serious?"
"Please? Its only for a few day. I don't have anywhere else to put him. I can't ask Granny Hershaw, I just moved in." I beg.
He runs his hand through his hair. "Fine" He says, giving in. "But you better start thinking of something real nice to give me as a thank you."
A slow smile lights my face. "Oh, I have a few ideas." I reply, suggestively.
His groan has me laughing. "God dammit, Harp. Are you trying to make me embarrass myself?" He growls, adjusting himself as we walk to the barn.
Glancing at his groin before looking into his pained face. "From what I can see you don't have anything to be embarrassed about." I respond, running to the barn. Laughing loudly when I hear a string of cuss words from his mouth.

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