Captions for when you're not over your ex

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"Even after all this time I still got your body on my mind"- I miss you Grey ft. Bahari

"You are my favorite mistake" Crave by Tove Lo

"I try my best just to get away. But you pulled me closer" Crash 2.0 by Adventure Club

 "I'd love to hold you close, tonight and always." -Pillowtalk by Zayn

"He won't love you like I would"- Like I Would by Zayn

"There's a million reasons why I should give you up. But the heart wants what it wants."- The Heart wants what it wants -Selena Gomez

"2 in the morning my mind is on you. 4 in the morning and it still hasn't moved." - Change Locations by Drake

Real feeling don't just "go away"

"Trying to find my way back home to you," Alone by Marshmello

So sorry if some of these don't work for you. I tried my hardest :)

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