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Tuesday, 10:00 AM, I'm at work like every day. People always wonder why I'm not in school or something since I'm only 17. We'll I'm actually homeschooled so I basically do my schoolwork whenever. Besides, I like working at the bookstore anyways, it's very peaceful.

I noticed a (now) familiar person enter the store, Amber.
"Hey," I said to her.
"Hi, what's up," she replied as she put her arms on the counter in front of me.
"Nothing much, just breathing, blinking, the usual," I said with a chuckle.
"Yeah breathing is good," she laughed.
"So, uh, what are you in for today?"
"Oh nothing, I kinda just like this store," she replied.

"Hey, so, where are you from exactly?" I asked, just to make conversation.
"New York City, in the states."
"That sure is a long way from here," I immediately regretted saying this cliché.
"No kidding, I had no clue," Amber laughed.

"So, just curious," I started, "why did you move here of all places? There are lots of nicer towns and cities nearby."
"My stepdad wanted to live in a small town and in the countryside where he could buy a lot of land and basically have bragging rights." I thought for a few seconds then I remembered people had been talking about some super rich dude who built a mansion here, I figured she probably lived there.
"Wait, is your stepdad the one who built that mansion on 20 something acres?"
"Ha, yep that is him," she implied with a cringe, "just saying, it's not as great as it seems." She trailed off then left the store after saying goodbye.

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