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I woke up on Wednesday morning and got dressed. I put on a black crop top, my high waisted shorts with my fishnet tights and my combat boots. (Pic in media)

I went downstairs and expected my mom to be in the kitchen but she wasn't.
"Mom?" I called, no answer. I figured she must have gone to town or something.

I made some cereal and sat at the kitchen counter. I wondered what the school is be going to would be like. I really never want summer to end, it's so relaxing with no schoolwork hanging over my head.

After a while I decided to text my mom to see if she'd be home anytime soon.

Amber: hey mom, you coming home soon?

I heard a noise. It was her phone, she never leaves her phone at home. Something doesn't seem right. I decided to go to town to look for her.

I walked to the bookstore first to ask Evan if he'd seen her.

"Hey," I said somewhat frantically.
"Any chance you've seen her," I said as I held up my phone with a picture of my mom onscreen.
"Nope, never," he replied.
"Okay," I said, I think he could tell I was worried.
"Who is she?" He asked.
"My mom, she wasn't home this morning," I paused, "and she left her phone at home, which she never does."

"Maybe she went grocery shopping," Evan guessed.
"No," I said, "you see we don't go grocery shopping, we get them delivered." I decided not to stay in there much longer. "If you see her," I inquired, "let me know."
"One problem with that," he chucked, "I don't have your number."
I laughed giving him my phone and he gave me his. We exchanged numbers and I was on my way.

I walked all over the whole town and I didn't find her. I went home and sat on my bed and wondered, where is she?

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