Chapter 1: Error and Ink

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Ink's POV

it was just a normal day for me, I was hanging out with Error. It has been over 2 weeks since Error has destroyed any AUS, I showed him that he can have fun other than destroying AUS. He was a pretty quick learner, some people misunderstand Error but I know that Error can be nice, he just needs a little time.

"Hey Ink knock knock" Error said with a suspicious smile... "who's there" I replied, sometimes Error and me will joke around once in a while, suddenly Error stared to burst out laughing and through his laughter I heard him say " s-s shorty" of course how did I not expect him to joke around about my size (Error always likes to call me short and make fun of me, he thinks its funny). I rolled my eyes and said "shorty who", Error could see that i knew what he was trying to joke about but he still did it anyways (he was still laughing) "s-s-s shorty yooou" he replied pointing his fingers at me laughing even harder than he was before! I chuckled a litte! after a while i felt that something was wrong with the AUS so I got up, but what could be wrong if Error is here??

I started to go towards the AUS to see if there was any problems, Error looks up at me "Ink are you ok, did my joke offend you?" Error said, he sounded worried and I didn't want to tell him what exactly what I was thinking or doing so I looked back and simply told him "your joke was fine I just need to check on something" Error looked confused, he knew I was up to something but he just said "okay then".

I walked up to the AUS to see that someone or something is killing people and destroying AUS, if Error stops destroying AUS someone else always is destroying in his place but I sat there for a while, all I could think of is how did I know, how did I feel it, how did i know to look at that AU, who's causing destruction and is there anyone there trying to stop it?

I sat there for a good 5 minutes just thinking when I heard Error call out to me "Ink are you okay you seem to be taking a while", I forgot all about Error, I had to think fast what could I say, so I just said the first thing that came to my mind "I'm going to go see on how the AUS are doing" with out thinking I opened a portal leading to where ever the destruction was (I didn't take the time to look at what AU it was i just seen what was happening in side the AU), I jumped through the portal and I could hear Error say "wait where are you......" before he got cut of by me closing the portal.

I realized that i was in UnderFell but almost everything was destroyed and I looked at the ground and realized there was black goo, there was a trail of black goo so I followed the goo only to come across what looked like.............?

Error's POV

I tried to stop Ink before he could exit out the portal but I was to late, Ink was acting pretty weird i wasn't sure if it was the joke or not but what ever it was it made Ink worried, before Ink went to go "check" on something I could see that he looked worried! I was trying to help but I guess Ink didn't want me to know so I walked over to were Ink had opened the portal and i took the time to look to see what AU he was in, but i had no luck there are too many AUS to look at!

END OF CHAPTER 1!!! I know that Blueberry and Dream are not included "YET" but they will be introduced to the story soon!

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