Chapter 9: AUS

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Blueberry's POV

I looked back at the skeleton he was right behind me and he asked "what are you doing?" I stood there just looking at him confused, how did he know my name, well only one way to find out "u-uhh how d-did you know my n-name?" he looked at me "i'm a god, but I destroy AUS like yours.... well I-I..." he told me but I cut him off before he could finish "are you okay... you were crying earlier...... a-and you seem a little down" he looked at me, he looked sad and confused "I-I ummm" he trailed off, I had to do something, I GOT IT!!! I could give him a hug everyone likes hugs, I said "i'ts fine if you don't want to say but.... um... this will make you feel better" before he could react I hugged him! He started to glitch, a lot, I-I ohhh no what's happening! He quickly pulled me off "p-please don't touch me!" he said, so is that why he was glitching? 

After a while of us just staring at each other I finally said "u-uh i'm bored" he looked away and said "well go find something to do" I was pretty shocked about his response but I kindly asked him "Can we go somewhere, do something, what about those AUS, the thing you were talking about" he looked back at me and sighed "ok i'll show you a few of the AUS" he finally said!

Error's POV

Blueberry looked pretty happy but uhhh what AU will we go to, I took us to the first AU that came to my mind, OuterTale. Me and Ink would always visit there when.... when we were friends so I opened a portal and walk through looking back to see if Blueberry was following but he just stood there, so I motioned for him to come, he still didn't see me, he was to concentrate on what's behind me "Blueberry you coming?" I asked him, he looked at me "oh yeah, coming" he said walking towards me and the portal.

Blueberry's POV

As I step through the portal I could see a star, no tow stars, no a tone of stars, all shining bright, what is this place, I looked back at the skeleton and said "you didn't tell me your name yet" he looked at me and smiled "the names Error" he answered and he continued to walk toward me, when he motioned for me to sit down "I thought this was a nice place to go to, well I was thinking that we could sit down and look at the stars.." he trailed off and looked at me and quickly turned away, why did he look away, ohh I think I know, did he get creeped out about my stary eyes, some monsters do, before I could think of something else he looked back at me and continued "..I also thought it would be a nice place to explain everything, like AUS" I looked up at him excitedly, I wanted to know more, i'm sooo curious "sooo what are AUS, u-uh"  I trailed off "u-uh Error you okay" I continued, he seemed to be looking down but quickly looked back at me and forced a smile on his face "uh yeah i'm fine" he quickly said, I should be minding my own business but he seems really down! "AU stands for alternative universes, so basically other versions of me and you and even Papyrus" Error continued on, he looked at me "soo I guess I should show you the original AU" Error said while opening a portal to what looks like Snowdin. 

I walked inside to see another me and Papyrus, but this Sans seemed lazy and Papyrus seemed full of energy "Your universe is everyone is swapped, you and Papyrus have swap and Undyne and Alphys have swapped and a lot more.." he said and showed me some places like Girllby's and to Muffet's spider bake sale "well i'm getting bored let's go somewhere else" said Error while opening another portal to what looked like..... I don't even know what it looks like... or where we even are going.... it doesn't look familiar!?

Error's POV

I opened a portal to UnderSail since I haven't really been there that often and I thought it would be a great place for Blueberry to see, I thought he might like it! I closed the portal behind us and Blueberry looked at the place in amazement "woah what is this place" He asked picking up seashells as we walked down shore together, side by side, he also picked up rocks, I don't even know why.. "this is UnderSail, a place where there's mermaids and pirates" he looked at me with stars in his eyes, HE'S TOO CUTE FOR HIS OWN GOOD, I could see him starting to blush as I gaze into his stary eyes, OOH NOO he sees me looking at him, what am I doing, I looked away from him and blushed even harder, I could see him smiling "so how are the alternative versions of us look like" he asked breaking the awkward silence, I looked back at him (I finally stopped blushing) and simply replied "where pirates and so is Papyrus" he looked so amazed "tell me more, tell me more, pleeeease" he begged, I chuckled, I  thought he was to cute when he begs "ok fine, so Undyne and Asgore, Toriel are mermaids and Alphys is an eel and Napstablook is a jellyfish and Mettaton is a captain of a ship a-and--" I started to run out of breath, now it was Blueberry's turn to start chuckling "...and Frisk is a diver and Flowey is a some type of coral" I continued and finally finished!

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