Chapter 10: The search

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Ink's POV

Me and Dream searched all night for Error, we could find him anywhere, we look all over the void, in other AUS like OuterTale (I thought that Error would probably be there since that's where we first got to know each other)! We were on our way to UnderSwap since Error is probably trying to capture Blueberry and kill him or something (I stopped him from destroying UnderSwap and that's when we became friends)! When we got to UnderSwap I felt something was not right, then I realized that Papyrus and the human were looking for Blueberry! OOOH NOO I guess Error did come "Ink do you think Error did this or..... my brother" Dream said, I guess he was thinking what I was thinking but could it be Error that caused this.......

Dream's POV 

I don't know if Error did this or my brother, WAIT I have an idea..... since we're looking for Error why not look for Nightmare too "Hey Ink, well were looking for Error why not look for Nightmare too" I said, Ink looked confused "who..?" he asked, he must have forgot "Nightmare, my brother" I responded, he looked so embarrassed "o-oh yeah I forgot" he said dumbly, so he did forget, I chuckled and Ink looked even more embarrassed! As we were walking through the portal Ink told me that maybe Fresh will know where Error is! I had no idea who Fresh is, but when Ink closed the portal.... wait this isn't Fresh, I may have never seen him b-but this was UnderFell Papyrus!!!

UF Papyrus POV

I looked up at the two skeletons, I remember them the one was there when Sans got killed and the other one came after everything happened... "what do you guys want!" I yelled at them getting ready to attack "w-we will not hurt you" the one skeleton said, "yes listen to Dream and me, we're not going to harm you" the other skeleton said, so I guess the yellow one is Dream but who's the artsy one? Well only one way to figure out "well if that's Dream" I said pointing at him "then who are you?" I continued, the artsy one looked up at me and smiled "i'm Ink!" he said with joy "well we probably should bring you back home" Dream said opening some kind of portal back home and I decided to go back home and maybe learn how to open portals there were no strange skeletons will come, hopefully not! I walk through the portal, it immediately closed behind me, I was in my own house, time to practice... NOBODY GETS AWAY WITH KILLING MY BROTHER!!!

Ink's POV

Well now that we got UF Papyrus out of the way, we need to find Fresh! He might not be here, he could be at his own universe (were in Fresh's colorful void) "I like this place, it's so colorful!" Dream said looking around at the colors, "IIIIInk heeelp!!!" I could hear Dream yelling! I look back to see Fresh grabbing Dream, I could hear Fresh whispering something to Dream "c-could you please let me go sir" Dream said calmly and kindly but Fresh's grip tighten on Dream as Dream yelped, under Fresh glasses I could see his eyes starting to glow, this is veeery bad!!! I must do something quick "Fresh let go" I said trying to get Fresh hands off of Dream "no can do broseph" he said as his eye start to glow even more "Fresh let go now!" I yelled just then Dream teleported, I could see the look on Fresh's face it looked..... mad ....... Fresh started to smile.... this is never good, he walks up to me... he tries to grab me but misses, I could see Dream looking at Fresh in amazement "you're like a walking rainbow!" Dream said, I didn't expect Dream to say that and I guess Fresh thought the same thing because he looked pretty confused and his eyes started to go back to normal I think (I can't really see because of Fresh's glasses) "hehe thanks....." Fresh said, he was still confused and Dream started to come closer and closer to Fresh until they were pretty much face to face!

Fresh's POV

I could see that Ink looked shocked, i'm pretty shocked myself, you know I think I like this guy, he's so rad and cool, Ink must be so lucky to have a friend like him..... or maybe even more than a friend, it's pretty obvious that Ink likes the rad dude because Ink cares so much about him! "Hehe well what's your name my rad brah" I said, he looked up and smiled "i'm Dream" he said full of joy "hehe i'm Fresh" I said "I'm just going to call you rainbow" he answered, well I kinda like the name rainbow.. I guess.

Ink's POV

Well i'm glad to see that Fresh likes Dream and uh Dream likes Fresh...... "hey Fresh do you know someone named Error?" Dream asked, he was kinda surprised when Dream brought up Error... "uh yeah... why do you ask broskie?" Fresh answered and Dream looked some what relieved "Well me and my buddy Ink here are looking for him, you see Ink kinda made Error upset and know he's gone" Dream replied, I kinda didn't want Dream to say that but uh no turning back time... I guess...

Fresh's POV

Hmmm Error, he's a pretty unfresh dude, he doesn't really like me though but uhhh I have a rad plan I'll look for Error and I'll give Dream and Ink a break..... but the break will help them get to know each other and eventually fall in love!!! This was the perfect plan... NOW TO PUT IT IN ACTION!!!

I thought that after chapter 2, I haven't really included UF Papyrus or Fresh so I wanted to include them in this chapter, Fresh will play an important role in this story about Dream, Ink, Error and Blueberry and throughout the story there will be other characters that have an important role as well!!! Well hoped you enjoyed this chapter and THANKS FOR READING!!! 

ErrorBerry and Drink ~ A broken heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora