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Waking up to the loud speaker in my ear, I sat up, stretching. I looked to my left to see A sleeping Jacob, causing me to smile. I got up watching my phone light up seeing A missed phone call from and unknown number and a text message from an 904 area code. I sat there trying to figure out who this was. I got up to run my bath water. After my shower I threw on my Famu hoodie, sweat pants and my toms. I ran downstairs only to find Ariana already up, heading out the door with Chres.


Me and Chres walked into school only to see people staring and giving stank looks. Like hey, how are you? My name Ariana, Problem? Didn't realize all y'all muthafuckers staring. I awkwardly walked to my locker, watching as everyone began to crowd around. I opened it up only to see a bunch of papers fall out I picked one up and immediately got furious with what I saw. So, the little dirty bitch mad because my sister beat that ass and handed it to her and now she wanna spread rumors about me. She just opened up a can of worms. I slammed my locker shut, rolling my eyes. I sprinted to class where Michelle sat.

"This the game we playing now, bitch? I thought your dirty ass wasn't allowed to come back?" I asked, holding up the picture.

"Oh, baby girl you needs not to worry about me, I was just about to leave. Just had to make sure you got a lil taste of what I do. You really thought I was gone leave you out? I got a problem with you too honey. What are you gonna beat my ass and get away with it?" She smiled "Nah baby, that ain't how I roll"

"Bitch gone some where with yo saggy tittes, loose pussy bobcat lookin ass on, cause bitch my veins don't pump koolaid. Now take yo global pussy havin ass somewhere u stank bitch..." I growled watching as she sat up.

Rhayne, was right. Bitch was playing on he phone. Whatever, I walked Chres to class, on my way back, passing the office. I noticed A tall figure, light skin, dark brown hair. He must be the new student. Just as I was sneaking past, Ms.  Myers called me in.

"Ma'am" I groaned catching a attitude

"This is Justin" she spoke pointing towards him. "I would like you to show him his classes for today. " I looked Justin rolling my eyes."Sure, whatever" I smirked, watching him walk out.

Justin, was much taller than me looked around 6'2, curly hair that fell into a bun like style, he looked like one of those people you see on Instagram that you would never expect to see in person.

I sighed " Alright, uh, I'm  Ariana, nice to meet you Justin " I spoke, attempting to make a conversation.

"Sup, probably don't need to introduce myself. You already know my name " he smirked, licking his pink lips.

"Alright then." I began " This is your first period class. " I  spoke "Which so happen to be my first period. Just follow me there, whenever we finish" I mumbled, walking past the door.

I walked him over to the north wing.

"Uh, and this here is the multi - court. " I gestured showing him.

"This is fly... This school is hella dope" he glanced with cheerful eyes.

"Alright, we should get to first period, were already 20 minutes late" I notified, begining to walk.

"This is so random, but, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you where?" he spoke stopping me in my tracks. I turned to face him

"Umm..yeah I guess . " I awkwardly spoke giving him a weird glare.

"Okay just making sure. .." he smirked walking past me.

The walk back to the south wing was quiet every now and then I would catch his glare.


Chres and I where walking our way to lunch when we heard giggling coming  from behind us. I being the alert person I am, I looked back to see two girls laughing at something on their phone.

"Aye, what's so funny on the phone" i shot looking hard at the girls. One of the girls slowly walked towards me, showing me what was on the phone. Nothing special. Just some vine videos.

Walking into lunch. i walked to our normal table sitting with Chres.


Me and Jake decided to go get breakfast at Ardens. We sat talking watching as Michelle walked in with some dude.

"Here we go again. " I sighed looking at the door. Jacob turned around to see what I was talking about.

"Don't sweat it. I'm here with you, don't worry." He assured.

In the middle of eating, I catch a glare from the corner of my eye, watching as Michelle walked past, "accidentally " pouring her drink on me.

"Really? " I sarcastically said getting up.

"Yeah, pay back is a bitch.." she smirked " So you think payback is pouring liquid or trash, hmm even food on me? You real childish. What grade you in kindergarten?" I slowly said.

"Bitch you must enjoy pissing me off."  I chuckled. "You ain't even relavent to my life, I'm not gone argue with you." I got up grabbing Jacobs hand. It can never be A peaceful day when this bitch comes around.

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Until next time by babes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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