6 / 'Somebody To Love'

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*Above: Video - George performing Somebody To Love with Queen in 1992 at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert*

Above: Picture - George and Anselmo in 1991*


"Whoa!" Yog breathed, sweat dripping from his hairline. I was in awe as well -- that was the nicest bout of sex I'd ever had the pleasure to participate in.

"Yeah." I marveled as we put our clothes back on.

"So," He said once fully dressed, "Would you like to continue our little journey?"

"Why isn't my hallucination over yet?" I groaned in response, growing irritated because this was getting a bit old. I mean, we'd already seen the beginning and end of Wham! as well as Yog on his downward spiral...was there really anything else to see?

He decided to ignore me and asked: "Do you remember the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert at Wembley Stadium?" 

"Yeah. It was on the television that day!" I recalled, eyes widening in recognition. He grinned at me.

"Take my hand, will you?" It was more of a command than a question, so I took it. He stroked the side of my hand with his thumb absentmindedly, lost in deep thought. 

"Yog, let's go." I impatiently suggested. His eyes flickered open and met mine, and before I could say another word, we landed in the middle of the crowd. It took me more than a few seconds to realise he hadn't randomly placed us -- we were right next to Anselmo Feleppa, the man Yog fell in love with in the early 90's. I think Anselmo might've died of -

"AIDS," Anselmo said in his deep Brazilian accent. I gaped at him - how was he seeing and hearing us?!

"I'm dead too, remember? The Anselmo that attended the tribute concert today is around here somewhere. Hi Georgy," He explained, kissing Yog's hand. Yog blushed and gave Anselmo the most stunning smile he could muster. Were they flirting? I thought Yog and I just had sex! Earlier I had said "Yog I want your sex" and now he was flirting with his former partner; mind you I said 'former'. 

"Andy, don't get jealous, please. I haven't seen Anselmo in 23 years." Yog pointed out. Well, he did make a good point but I was still jealous as hell. He turned to Anselmo and whispered, "I missed you so much."

I watched Yog eye Anselmo with interest while Anselmo looked as if he wanted to rip Yog's clothes off. I began to take notice of every tiny detail; How the edges of Yog's eyes wrinkled up when he smiled at Anselmo, how so much passion and love burned in both their expressions, and how Yog's lips trembled whilst he admired Anselmo. Envy chewed at my gut, my stomach twisting in a tight knot. I don't know if it was remembrance of grief or euphoria glittering in Yog's already-shiny eyes, but whatever it was, it was overpowering and intense. Because of Anselmo, not me.


I thought I would take a trip down memory-lane before I approached Georgy. News spreads quickly in the after world, and everyone was excited that "that guy from Wham!" died. I assumed it was Georgy, and it was. I wanted to look back on his life before I were to speak with him again, so here I was in Wembley Stadium, April 20, 1992. I was watching him sing "Somebody To Love" at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, and I'll admit: I forgot how good he was at singing. He hit every note perfectly, and the deep emotional undertone he usually put into his music was present and overwhelming. I almost cried. But then two men so rudely came up to me. I refused to look at their faces but once I did I recognised Georgy in the blink of an eye -- he had found me! Behind him was Andrew Ridgeley, his best friend, who, in the living world, I had met once or twice.

I think Anselmo might've died of - I heard Ridgeley think (before I could greet Georgy).

"AIDS." I decided to say. They both turned around to look at me, surprised at my presence. Georgy appeared especially taken aback, his eyes unnaturally wide. I had to explain to them how I was there, and then kissed Georgy's warm hand. He sweetly smiled at me, which made Ridgeley green with envy. I barely noticed him after that because Georgy and I were catching up. I had missed him so much!

"Yeah, so America blew up at me -- I think it was just their underlying homophobia lashing out on me. It really wasn't the greatest of times but, you know -"

Ridgeley so rudely interrupted us: "Yog, don't we have to finish our journey?"

"Um...yeah..." Georgy awkwardly scratched his head. 

"What journey?" I asked. They were a confusing pair.

"I'll tell you later, okay An?" Georgy looked me in the eye and silently pleaded. I gave in, nodding in agreement. Georgy kissed my cheek as a 'thank you'.

"Thank you, love. Okay, now Andy -- this part of the journey was pointless for you. Let's move on. I'll see you later An!" He reassured. Before I could protest, they were gone. 


After Andy and I appeared in the endless white abyss, I could tell he was pissed. It hadn't been my best idea to catch up with An there, but I blame unfortunate timing. 

"Can you just -" 

I snapped my fingers, and Andy froze in place. I walked up to his motionless body and kissed his cold forehead. Going back to the spot I was in, I snapped my fingers again and heard the rest of Andy's remark: "get out of my head?" 

My heart shuddered in my chest, but I brushed it off and opened my mouth to speak.


"Can you just get out of my head?" I begged Yog, drained of energy at this point. He shook his head, though I could tell he was uncertain about his answer. 

"I'm sorry, I just - I haven't seen him in years. You have the right to be pissed at me -"

"I'm not pissed, Yog. I ... I'm just tired. Of this whole thing..." I cut him off. He didn't avoid my half-ass glare; he fixed me with an intimidating, assertive stare. George Michael never backed down, and I so stupidly forgot.

"I need to show you a few things," He calmly persisted, making sure to keep his voice level. 

"No, no, I'm done with this whole bloody journey! I'll sit here until the drugs Keren must've put in my drink wear off," I objected, sitting down to prove my pathetic point. Yog just raised his eyebrows and sat down behind me. I tried to scoot away, but George held me in place. 

We ended up leaning against each other's backs and facing away from the other. I could feel his heartbeats through both our shirts and began counting them, also listening to his quiet sighing every few seconds or so until I couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"I'm ready," I declared.

"For what?" He inquired. 

"Where to next, Yog?" I exclaimed happily. It was worth it just to see his dazzling smile again.

"You'll have to see for yourself." He sent me a wink and grabbed my hand. 

Everything flashed a blinding white.

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