
322 8 12

25 June 2017


I stepped out of the gleaming black car with Keren on my arm, emotionally prepared for the day ahead of me. We were heading to Yog's funeral at Kensington Palace Gardens in London, England, which legends like Elton John and Aretha Franklin were attending as well. As much as I wanted to see Yog again, I wanted to live too. I wanted to enjoy my partner, sex, food, and just ... the world. That's what I chose to do when I let go of my sentiment and began living again. 


I sat there in silence long after 'One More Try' had played, but something caught my eye; it was a piece of paper jammed behind my dresser. I went over and grabbed it from it's hiding place, wondering what in the name of hell it could possibly be. I took a deep breath and ripped it open, noticing that the only five words written were in Yog's handwriting;

Get ready for that threesome.


My cheeks flushed, and I could feel my hands begin to shake uncontrollably. This could not be happening. That wasn't real. It couldn't be real. But ... how did this get here ... in Yog's unmistakable, distinguished script? My head throbbed, and my vision began to falter. I couldn't focus on anything except the piece of paper I was clutching in my sweaty hand. How could this even be in the realm of possibilities?! Yog was dead. Gone. Not in existence anymore. Physically: yes; in spirit and my heart: no. He would forever live vividly in my heart no matter where he was or no matter what the note proved. It was time for me to move on from Wham!, from Yog, and most of all, from my grief.

And so, I crumbled up the slip of paper and threw it into the trash can without a second glance.

(End of Flashback)

I spotted Andros Georgiou, Yog's good childhood friend, a few feet away and dragged myself in front of him to cheerfully declare this to be an 'indifferent affair for such an incredible man.' Andros agreed with me, but his tone was rather serious -- I guess he hadn't moved on yet. We bid our 'good lucks' and 'farewells' and went on our way around the gardens.

Keren detached herself from my arm, finding her way to Sara Dallin, as well as her other former Bananarama sisters. I floated around before I noticed Fadi Fawaz, Yog's surviving lover. To be honest, I felt bad for him -- Andros had been targeting Fadi for months, saying that he was not invited to Yog's funeral, but here he was, dressed in a fitting black suit. I approached him cautiously, careful not to spark the attention of an already-attentive Andros.

"Fadi..." I began, my lower lip trembling a bit, "I'm sorry for your ... for our loss." 

"Me too," He deadpanned in his husky Australian accent. 

"I have to get going back to ... the event. Andros is probably going to make his rounds soon, eh?"

"Yes, I guess so. I better leave. It'd be really ugly if he were to see me because he's warned me several times before."

"Goodbye Fadi. I'll see you?"

His thin lips slowly but surely twisted into a lovely smile, and he said: "Of course."

I watched him walk down the stone-paved street, get to the end of the road, and undo his black scarf from his thick neck. He held it up to the wind and let it go. The wind carried it into the endless sky, and we both watched it fly away until it was gone.

The End

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