Chapter Fifty

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say that suicide is never an option. If you're ever depressed or feeling low, please talk to your friends about it. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. Feel free to message me, anytime.

50. I'll Be There For You

They say time is the best healer and I can't help but agree. Time healed all of the wounds and emptiness created by Finn's passing and now as I stand at Mom's funeral, more than two weeks after the nightmare, I find my wounds healing as well.

We had handed over our CDs to the police, it was important evidence and because of Georgia Fray being such a prominent figure, it took almost two weeks to plan the funeral.

We'd stayed at The Watsons the whole time. Mr. Watson was right; a day later when the news about Georgia Fray's kids was broadcasted on television, we saw footage of reporters outside my college and Dad's house. Nobody knew where we were and I have no idea how the media does it, but two days later there were reporters and camera men outside the house; they'd somehow found us. The security had been tight and none of us had spoken to the media, yet.

The financial and legal things were being overseen by Dad and Mr. Watson. In her will, Mom had handed over millions of dollars, five houses located in different places all around the world including the mansion I grew up in, ownership of her fashion company Georgia, to us.

There would be some days when I'd cry myself to sleep, and Tyler would come into the room and lie next to me. His presence always calmed me down, and his words managed to make me feel better. Tyler was the main reason I was healing faster than I would have otherwise, he worked better than time.

Having been alone all my life, I never understood the comfort of family. But as I stayed with The Watsons, I started to realise why family was so important. Mrs. Watson and Ad would continuously try to find out if I was fine, Kevin would force me to go to his library with him, the presence of books was always soothing, and Tyler would just stay by my side all day long.

My entire college knew about Jason and me being Georgia's kids. I hadn't gone back, but there had been a lot of texts, texts from people whom I didn't even know, which I had stopped opening after a while.

All of my friends had wanted to meet me but because of all the media and security, we'd decided it would be best if they'd stay away.

Today was the first time I'd stepped out of the house; there had been camera flashes and ten people throwing questions at me but as Tyler held onto my hand tightly, I'd been able to fight my way through it. The security guards had managed to get us to the car without being attacked by any reporter, and I'd closed my eyes, trying to block out all of the commotion.

And as I stand here, watching the coffin being lowered into the ground; I hold Tyler's hand tightly, trying to keep myself from breaking. I breathe slowly, as I see Stephen Richardson standing on the other side, wiping at his eyes with a handkerchief. I can see my grandma sobbing, as my grandpa holds her, trying to console her. Jason stands to my left, his face emotionless and I start to think of how different life was going to be now.

After the quiet funeral, we make our way to the hall for the reception. I find a secluded place in the corner and stand there as I watch people enter - a lot of them famous celebrities, and people who Mom worked with - all of them looking at me curiously.

Tyler senses my discomfort and slips an arm in mine. "Want to go out?" He asks. I nod slowly and he leads me out of the hall as I walk, staring at the floor, not wanting to meet anybody's eyes.

We make our way through the gates and walk on the footpath for a while, until we feel that we are at a safe distance from the hounding media. We sit down on the roadside bench as a cool breeze blows. I turn towards Tyler who sits silently, staring at the sky.

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