Garroth x Zane

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Honestly I'm really clueless about this one. Hopefully Garroth doesn't get pregnant and fart 13254976 babies out.

Zane was in his room changing when Garroth knocked on the door, before Zane could say, "Don't come in!" Garroth twisted the knob and walked in.

Zane blushed and Garroth just stood there.

"Nope. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I'm out!"

Garroth turned away and was about to leave when Zane said, "W-Wait!"

"For what baby bro?" Hot sexy Garroth voice escaped, Zane strutted over, shutting the door behind Garroth and planting a long kiss on his lips. Garroth's eyes widened but he melted into the kiss, shoving his own tongue into Zane's mouth, exploring every inch.

Zane moaned and Garroth's locked the door, shoving Zane onto the bed, Garroth pulled away and scanned his body, and the tiny little bulge in his pants? Huge bulge in his lingerie panties boxers.

Zane unbuttoned Garroth's collared flannel shirt and removed his white T-shirt, along with his jeans and shoes and socks, Garroth pulled down his boxers along with Zane's.

Garroth flipped Zane over and shoved himself inside of Zane, Zane moaned loudly during Garroth's thrusts, Garroth pulled out and Zane got onto Garroth, sucking his member.

Garroth moaned loudly and got a phone call. Garroth answered it, "SHUT UP! I'M B-BUSY! GO AWAY YOU SHITTY MUSHROOM!" He said as clearly as he could and hung up, Zane laughed causing his member to vibrate in Garroth, Zane couldn't stop laughing and Garroth screamed in pleasure when Zane started to thrust again while continuing to laugh, Garroth cummed and bent down to suck Zane's member, Zane moaned as Garroth sucked hard and fast.

"F-Faster Garroth!" Zane spoke in between breathes. Garroth sped up and Zane cummed, Garroth flipped Zane over once again and he began to thrust, 1 hour later, ignoring how many times he cummed, he didn't stop thrusting, he released again and pulled out, swallowing all the cum and eating the booty like groceries.

Zane cummed and Garroth got under Zane and quickly swallowed it. They both snuggled up and fell asleep.

Naked and afraid. 😏😏

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