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Malware now have all the Crystal Gems that will help him with his plan.

"Now that we have everyone, we should head to the woods of Beach City, it's a like place that creature will be suitable for", said Malware as he activate his teleported.

Malware teleport himself and the Crystal Gems in the wilderness near Beach City.

Malware slow down his fall with his jetpack but the rest of the Crystal Gems fall down in a pile.

"Next time would you warn us", said Steven as he on top of the pile.

"Sorry, it took my teleportation device only last less than 3 Earth second so I can't", said Malware then them he look around.

"Please tell me again why we're helping this guy finding that monstrosity", said Pearl.

"Because he said that he's a police officer who lost his people from that guy but when I met him, he doesn't like ...", said Steven then he was interupted.

"Look what I found everyone, some fool have lost their chocolate", said Amethyst as she gather them and eat them one by one.

"Um, that not chocolate miss", said Malware as he scan them, "That's stool".

"Hm, doesn't look like one", said Amethyst as she still eating one.

"No, not that kind of stool, it's also called manure, dropping, dung, fecal matter, fecie, or turd?", said Malware but Amethyst don't know what he's saying, "Maybe you might remember it as crap or shit".

"Ha language!", shouted Pearl as she cover Steven and Connie's ears.

"What!", shouted Steven and Connie as they hear what they saying.

"It's poop", said Garnet.

"What poo pah pah", said Amethyst as she spit them out, "You should have just say poop".

"So, I thought you know that poop synonym are manure, dropping, or bull..", said Malware then Pearl came near him.

"No, don't you dear say those kind of language", said Pearl as she very strict and now uncovered the kids near.

"Hey, do mostly Earth animals always do this since everything is their bathroom", said Peridot.

Amethyst is now licking the tree to get kid of the taste then saw claw marks on them, "What the heck".

"Hah, like I inspected, this is the creature new territory", said Malware.

"Okay but this tree taste weird", said Amethyst.

"This must be where he mark his territory", said Malware.

"Speak English, I don't understand you're alien tongue", said Amethyst.

"Alright, he urinated on this tree and also claw it", said Malware.

"I only understand the second part", said Amethyst.

"It's pee", said Garnet.

Amethyst quickly get to a bush and vomit in it.

"So why you wanted us here", said Lapis.

"Oh, since my crew aren't here, I decided to used Steven's crew", said Malware.

"So what are you to plan, are you going to outsmart it like Peridot who tried", said Pearl.

"Hey, that was very offended", said Peridot.

"I have many plans but only a few I think it might work", said Malware then he summon a cube from his palm.

"Whoa what that", said Steven.

"It's a storage cube, I'll just find the ...", said Malware then he put his hand on it then brought costumes that look like steaks.

"Are those steak..", said worry Pearl.

"Yes, this creature can consume any sort of matter but he's mostly a carnivore", said Malware as he giving the steak costumes to the Crystal Gems, Steven, and Connie.

"Hmm, do you really think that these costumes might fool him", said Amethyst.

"No, not with a little this", said Malware then he squirt BBQ sauce on them very quickly.

Steven stick his finger and taste it, "BBQ sauce?".

"Yes, this scent can attract this creature and come right toward you then we trap it", said Malware.

"Wait, will some of us might get eaten by that thing", said Peridot.

"Man, he really do anything to get him", said Lapis.

"Of course I will, that creature destroyed my people, my planets, and neighboring planets back there, I will have my revenge", said Malware.

"But you said to capture, not killing right", said Steven.

"Of course, I am a Plumber and we don't kill a fugitive, criminal, or murderers", said Malware.

"Hey Malware, can I go back in the barn, I need to get something", said Lapis.

"What, alright fine, make it fast", said Malware very rudely then he teleport himself an Lapis to the barn, a few seconds later they return, "There, we do the live bait".

"Lapis, what did you forget", whispered Peridot.

"My brought my mirror, that just it", said Lapis.

"Alright, let what human say, "Hit the road", said Malware as he charge in the woods.

"This guy is definitely strange", said Pearl.

"So Garnet, is this guy something in your vision", said Amethyst.

"Hmm, my future vision see to be try to figure out he's really up to", said Garnet.

"Come on guys, let get that guy so he won't eat anymore donut from the Big Donut", said Steven as he charge to the forest then the rest of the gems follows.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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