The best thing that ever happened to me

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I never thought I'll see the day I cry but seeing my kids come into the world I realized I made a big mistake by saying kill them I'm so glad she didn't Jaylen and Jayden gone be my world and imma guard them with my life it's kind of making me think that I shouldn't kill drew but I don't want him around my kids so I gotta do what I gotta do but till then it's just me and my crew

Jay has been great with the kids I just hope he keeps it up when we get home In a couple of days he's been getting up in the middle of the night when they cry and he's been changing diapers and feeding them I hate to say it but this was the sweet man I fell in love with seeing him with the kids made me fall harder

My sisters little family was adorable it made me think about having a little munchkin of my own but not now and not with drew he's dead to me and he's not coming back to life
" y'all hungry " I said
" hell yeah " jay said we been getting along very well since the twins and I kind of like it
" Ight imma go get sum to eat y'all text me what y'all want " I replied
" Ight " jay said I walked out the room and seen this nice looking fella but I tried to keep my distance I walked in the elevator and he came right behind me
" what floor you going to " he asked
" the lobby " I replied the ride was silent intill it was time to get off
" I'm sorry I didn't catch your name " he said
" Amiyah " I explained
" I'm Chris so what you in here for if you don't mind me asking "
" my sister had twins " I said
" wow that's beautiful " he replied
" yeah it is but I'll see you around " I said walking away he was cute but he was a little to sweet for me


I'm Chris and I'm Jay's brother he invited me to the hospital to see my nephews I should have asked Amiyah who her sister was but I was to focused on trying to get them digits  " nigga where you been at " jay said dabbing me up " man I was talking...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I'm Chris and I'm Jay's brother he invited me to the hospital to see my nephews I should have asked Amiyah who her sister was but I was to focused on trying to get them digits
" nigga where you been at " jay said dabbing me up
" man I was talking to this fine ass girl in the hallway " I said
" ohh word what's her name " he asked
" Amiyah I replied " the room went quiet intill Akira said that was her sister
" oh damn she did say her sister had twins " I said " so is she single" I added
" yeah you should hit her up " Akira said you ain't got to say another word cause she was gone be mine

My bad boy حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن