A Daughter of Eve

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Queen Vanessa looked unlike any queen Narnia had ever seen instead of dresses she wore jumpsuits that she had the dress makers design, instead of staying in the castle she would fight for her kingdom, and her people. Today she was on a walk through the snow visiting some of the people close by. She had just gotten done visiting the beavers when she ran into Mr. Thomas, carrying his groceries.

"Do you need help Mr. Thomas," I asked nicely.

"OH, your Majesty, I wouldn't want to bother you, it's a long trip back to Cair Paravel." He replied.

"Mr. Thomas, you know me better than that, if I ask to help, then I mean it, you aren't bothering me, instead, let me help you." I sternly replied.

"Okay, well then it would be my honor to walk with you to my house with a little of your help." He said nicely. We had walked a little way, when we were coming towards the lamppost. But before we went into the opening Mr. Thomas, pulled me under the tree but as he did that we heard a voice saying who go there. Now as queen I know every voice but this I hadn't heard before. It sounded very nice so me and Mr. Thomas revealed ourselves. What we saw I couldn't believe though, it was a girl, but not any girl, but a girl that matched one of the four people in the profile.

"It's alright I won't hurt you. I'm Lucy." She said.

"Mr. Thomas, I believe her lets go out there." I told him.

"Hello Lucy, my name is Vanessa" I told her but then Mr. Thomas, went on a shmeal asking if she was a beardless dwarf, and then a daughter of Eve and where she came from. Me being the queen, knew it all, and that she meant she was from the real world, where I came from, but I wasn't ready to tell her that. We walked back to Mr. Thomas's house talking a little as we went, but when we got there, I politely declined and went bac to my horse. I had to tell Aslan, and get the troops ready. On my way, back I swung by the beaver's dam quick.

"Mr. Beaver, I found a daughter of Eve, she is with Mr. Thomas right now, but if the witch finds out, you know she'll go after him, not you. I need you to bring them to me at the stone tables. They need to know as little as possible." I told him.

"Of course, your Majesty." He said after that I left for Cair Paravel to get the people ready.

Any ideas or comment both good and bad are appreciated any ideas I would love to put in this story please give all your ideas and I'll gladly post them.

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