Saving Edmund

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As I was riding away I watched Peter move up the hierarchy being made a knight. I could only look for a second before Orious turned coming closer to one of wolves. I brought out one of my swords to try to kill him but he made a quick turn and I missed.

"Orious, we need to make this quick, but we also need to kill as many men that we can, as Jadis has more troops then we could ever imagen."

"Of course, your majesty."

About a half hour later Vanessa and her troops made it to the white witch's camp ground with their swords, daggers, arrows and, staffs at the ready. We fought fast and hard, and in a matter of second we saw Edmund about to be stabbed by a dwarf.

"cheetzah, attack," I told the lead cheetah

In a second the cheetah was on top of the dwarf ready to attack him, but was waiting for my command.

"Leave him...." I said as everyone looked at him. "Tie him to the tree and leave him with this simple message." I finished as I got off Orious's back, and walked up to the dwarf.

I grabbed the knife off the floor that the dwarf dropped and walked to the tree that Edmund was still tied to and cut the rope at the knot and released Edmund, and grabbed the dwarf by his chin pushing him to the tree and tied him up.

Then I went to his ear and with a knife to his throat I whispered, "Let my mom know that here's her Christmas present from her daughter, your life......for now, that is. Also tell her this was for Narnia and the true king..." I yelled in his ear, "FOR ASLAN."

Then I went and put Edmund on Orious's back, and went and got on the back of our extra horse. And just as fast as we got there we disappeared, with just one problem, we did not know where we were.

With it being night, we could consider the stars and all the centaurs where able to quickly find where we were and lead us back to the camp grounds.

When we arrived at the camp grounds I gave a faun my horse, and walked over towards Orious.

"Can you have someone bring him some toast and tea. I'm going to have a talk to him before Aslan does." I told the centaur.

As the centaur retreated, I could see Edmund prepare himself for punishment. So, I knew I had to be gentle with him.

"I'm not going to yell at you, if that's what you're thinking. I am just here to tell you that no matter what happened, no one here is against you we are here to help you. Now I haven't introduced myself, I am High Queen Vanessa Hudgens. And when this is all over you AND your brother will be Kings, now because Peter is older he will be High King, but you will both be equal. I can also say that this place has changed your siblings, when they lost you they blamed themselves. You guys must be friends, and just know that he does care for you. Now let me introduce you to Aslan. He is the true king of Narnia, and the one person who will not judge you for anything, but for what you show him."

As I walked away Aslan Appeared behind Edmund and they started there talk. Though because I knew he was going to say stuff about how he would protect him the best to his ability, but Edmund would have to help blah blah blah. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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