Coming to the Stone Table

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Chronical of Narnia

Chapter 2 Moving to the Stone Tables

After I left the Beavers house I got back on my horse and rode back to Cair Paravel. Even though I was the Queen I knew that I had other people that I commanded to. As I got into the castle I saw my right hand man in war, Oriues, was walking by, but when he saw me he bowed, "My Queen," he said

"Oriues, where is Aslan I have word on the sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve. Also I need to set up war preparation areas at the stone tables, we are going to be going to war. A war against The White Witch." I told him.

"Of course, Your Majesty, I will start gathering the troops and have men gather the supplies needed, Aslan is in court, but they will be waiting for you. Is there anything else that you need." He replied.

"Thank you, and yes there is, bring me the fox, and a few birdie." I said as I walked away.

As I was walking towards where the courts where in session I was stopped a few times by maids and servants asking if I needed anything, of course I didn't so I nicely waved them off. I had just arrived at the courts when I was stopped by a guard telling me that the fox and birds where here.

"Bring them here but keep them outside till I wave them in. I want to inform my advisors of my actions first." I told the guard and went into the room.

"I'm sorry about inturupting I have pleasant news, but knowing my dad, I know that he knows already." I told my people. "You guys can finish the current ordeal and them we will get onto mine." I said as I sat in my throne chair.

"We where talking about recent actions in the lamppost area, you just visited that area correct." My main advisor Saries, a faun asked me.

"Yes, I visited the beavers and Mr. Tumnus, actually I ran into a new person while walking with him, probably the reason of the uproar. I ran into a daughter of Eve, actually Alsan I ran into Lucy, Aslan." I said as I looked at him sitting in the corner.

"Yes, I believed she would be the first in, where is she now," he asked

"She is back home was the word I got yesterday, but I don't now about now, ummm, Gorgel, what was this uproar about," I curiously asked.

"Mr. Tumnus was arrested, we didn't know the charges, but from what you just said, it is probably because of that," the Centaur told me.

"Probably, this means that the white witch will be here soon, I want to send the fox, and a few message birds away to bring us troops, then I want me, Aslan, our soldiers, and a few doctors, chefs, and needed personel to meet at the stone table. I thought this might happen so the beavers are going to bring the sons and daughter there," I suggested, everyone in the room agreed so I had the guard bring in the foxes and the birds.

"Mr. Fox, birds, I have an important but dangerous mission for you guys, mainly the fox though. I need you to go around our land and are allies land to bring me soldiers to meet at the stone table. We are probably going to war with the White Witch and I am not going to let her surprise me, we will be ready to accept and win this war. If any of you run into the sons and daughters of adam and eve then you send a message back to me at the stone tables, preferably by griffan, I will have them flying. Do you guys accept the challenge." I asked them, but knowing there allegiance with me I knew they would accept.

"Yes your majesty," was all of there responses.

"Thank you," I told them.

"Mastrius, get my horse ready, and get 18 other hourses and 3 unicorns ready, four being the future kings and queens horses we leave at sun rise." I told one of the guards, as I got up to leave. "oh and get three travelin carriages carriages ready for the dressmakers" I told the guard right before I left the room.

About an hour later I walked into the dressmakers room. "Phiseous, I need you and ten of the greatest dressmakers of your choice to come with me to the stone tables to create outfits for the new kings and queens, as well as fighting outfits for me. For the queens make some normal and some like mine, and please bring more material, I need you ready to leave by sunrise but I don't need the outfits by then." I told them, in response I was told yes by the dydrades."


It was just before sunrise when me, Aslan, and the rest of the soldiers and needed personel where at the front of the castle ready to leave. Before we left I had to make a speech for all my people since I was leaving for war, I didn't know when or if I was returning so these where my last words.

"People of Narnia, as we can feel the air is warmer, and tensions are calmer this is because the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve are in our presence. This is also why we are going to war. We now have the power to defeat Jadis, The White Witch. Now though because I am leaving to go to war I am leaving Saries in command, I will still be informed on the things going on here, and if needed I can be back in a few days, but I have honor and trust in you and Saries to keep Cair Paravel safe and secure, when I return, we will have the coronation for the our new Kings and Queens of Old." I said before we left.


We had been at the stone table for a day and a half getting everything set up. We had many men and more coming every hour thanks to the fox and birds. Me and Aslan where talking about action plans for the war knowing that even though we had a lot of men, the White Witch had more, when we heard a horn blow, I looked at Alsan and said "There here."

"Yes, well lets be ready, they will be scared, and unsure, and it's your job to inform them." He told me.

I was about to reply when I heard a young man say "We are here to see Aslan."

At that point I walked out not knowing what I was about to see and certainly not expecting the feelings that where about to rush through me.

This is the end of Chapter 2 Any input or ideas anything you want to see in here or any changes that would make these chapters better is always welcome, so our critics thank you guys hope you like.

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