Actual Randomness!!!

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wow i know no one asked for randomness, but I decided to include this because i want to stay true to this title. 


Here are some of my recommendations for things you should check out if you're ever bored.

1. Bittersweet Candy Bowl

     I know the title is pretty weird, but this webcomic is really good. With super cute anthropomorphized dogs and cats attending high school, what could go wrong? Packed with drama and romance, this is a great read and I read it nonstop for a week before I finally caught up with it. 

2. All Night Laundry

    This is also a webcomic, but it includes audience suggestion! Time travel, a super cute beagle, and a giant bug from space. Need I say more?

3. Homestuck

    This one is pretty popular, and if you're active on the internet, you've probably heard of it or even checked it out. In my personal opinion, the first act/chapter is pretty boring and can totally be skipped. A lot of people who check it out quit because of the boring beginning. Stick with it, though, because it gets really interesting and hilarious.

4. Welcome to Night Vale

   This is literally the best thing ever. Just... check it out and see for yourself how weird, and mysterious, and awesome it is.

That concludes my list of recommendations of things you should check out on the internet. Tell me in the comments if you found this helpful or if ya wanna talk about any of this stuff! Let me know if you liked it or hated it! Tell me what kinda things I should check out on the internet! 

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