HERE! *shoves art down your throat*

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So, I did some more cartoony stuff, now with filled in noses; because nothing says quality like sharp noses and watercolors! 

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So, I did some more cartoony stuff, now with filled in noses; because nothing says quality like sharp noses and watercolors! 

I made some characters, then proceeded to throw said characters out the window and not use them at all in my next drawing! 

I've been dabbling in watercolors lately, so... have some watercolor stuff!

Honestly, I'm writing these descriptions for my own entertainment. This is more of a digital portfolio of art and sometimes stupid stuff than any kind of art critique book. Maybe someday in the future I can look back on all of the things I wrote in here and say "wow, look at these things that I drew that are old as hell!" 

Anyway, to the people who are left; vote, comment, do whatever you crazy kids do these days... 

Remember to enjoy your life, because someday you will be lying in bed when you are 96 years old and wonder where the time all went. 


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