01|| Hogwarts

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"What if no one likes me? What if people make funny of my freckles? Wait, what am I saying? No one can make funny of my freckles. They're adorable right? Tell me, are they're adorable or not Ron?"

Mabel grabs Ron's shirt pulling him close to her and asking ridiculous question.

Tomorrow will be Mabel's first day in Hogwarts. She's a little nervous. Well more like a lot.  "Bloody hell they're fine! They're adorable. Let go of me." She lets go of his shirt and backs away slowly.

"Stop being nervous Mabel. You will be fine and you will do great at Hogwarts. You are more nervous then Ginny was." Fred says putting his arm around his little sister's shoulder. It's true all Ginny did was scream and locked herself in her room.

"How can I not be nervous? It's gonna be my first day in Hogwarts. I'm more than nervous I'm scared. I'm freaking out guys I'm freaking out."

"Calm down Mabel. You are going to get yourself in a panic attack." George says patting Mabel's head. Fred nods his head looking at her crazy.

Mabel finally calm down then she hears her mom ask Ron  "Hey Ron, when is Harry and Hermione coming?" Mabel face lightens up. She loves Harry and Hermione. They're like her best friends. She can't say that to Ron because Ron always says "No they're my friends, not yours." Harry and Hermione thinks Mabel as their best friend. They never really see her a lot that's why they're happy that she finally going to Hogwarts. So she can see them everyday. Hermione thought her as her own little sister. She enjoy talking to her.

"We're here!" She hears someone yell. She knew who it was. "Hermione!" Mabel yells running to the older girl. She gives her a big hug. Harry stands next to them. Mabel grabs his arm pulling him to them making hug them. Ron goes hug them too. Mabel hears footsteps coming their way. "Awe my babies are hugging." Mabel's mom say joining hug. 

Later on the day, Ginny and Hermione are french braiding Mabel's hair. "So, are you excited to go to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked Mabel just nods her head feeling a little tired. "They're some cute guys at Hogwarts and when they see that cute face of yours. They will be all over you." Ginny giggles Hermione just glares at her while Mabel rolls her eyes at her older sister.

Mabel never really had a crush on a boy; She hasn't even had a first love. She thought her good ole friend, Harry was cute but never really liked him like that. Mabel did have her first kiss. His name was Louis. Louis's family was great friends with the Weasley. So, Mabel was really close to the boy. Louis had the biggest crush on Mabel but Mabel just saw him as a friend. Louis quickly decided to kiss Mabel and when he did the little girl pushed him away and screamed bloody hell. Louis and Mabel slowly grew away from each other after that.

Ginny always wanted a sister. So, when Mabel was born Ginny couldn't wait to do her hair and makeup, talk about boys and her relationships to Mabel. "We should go to sleep. You have a big day Mab." Hermione says laying down. The two girls agreed with their friend. They lay down on their beds. Mabel slowly falls asleep. She was exciting to go to Hogwarts. She was ready to meet new people and make friends. Maybe even meet a the love of her life.

"Where's your sister at, Ron?" Hermione asked looking around seeing all the first year kids walking into the castle. Today is the day. Mabel's first day at Hogwarts. Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Ron was waiting to see Mabel. "I never knew Ron had another little sister." Neville says

"Yeah she's the baby in the family. She better than the other one." Ron mumbles the last part but Ginny heard it. Ginny punchs him in stomach. Ron groans in pain. Harry points at the red head girl.

"There she is."

Mabel sees them and runs to them. Hermione hugs her. Ginny pushes Harry and Ron out of her away. She looks at her baby sister.

"You look great." She says Hermione nods her head agreeing with Ginny. Mabel blushes. She always does that when she gets a compliment from anyone. Mabel was wearing a Ginny old robe. Her red hair was curled. It was natural all she had to do was wash it then it comes out curly.

Neville was so surprised how Mabel was so pretty. Well Ginny is pretty too but not like her little sister thought Neville. "That's Ron little sister? How is that even possible?" Neville whisper to Harry.

"You know I'm standing right here Neville?" Ron asked Harry chuckles at them. Mabel sees behind Harry was a boy with brown hair and green eyes. He was pretty tall. Mabel thought he was cute. Neville could feel her staring at him. He looks down nervously wondering why she was looking at him? Mabel slowly walks up to him. Her siblings and her friends watched them.

"Hi I'm Mabel, Mabel Weasley." Mabel says to the tall boy. Neville looks at her confused. It was not everyday a really pretty girl talks to him. He looks behind him seeing if she was talking to someone else. Nobody was behind him.
He turns and looks at her again. She was waiting for him to introduce himself.

"What is she doing?" Ron ask his other little sister and his best friends. Ginny groans annoyed at Ron. "She trying to be friendly to Neville, you idiot."

"I'm sorry. Are you talking to me?" He ask nervously

"Yeah." She smiles. Her smile was like an angel he thought. He blush and looks down for a second then looks right back up at her beautiful face. He admires her green eyes. Green like lily pads. He then studies the rest of her face. Her pale skin which made her eyes pop. Her perfect red hair. Her big lips that was shade of light pink. Neville found her chubby cheeks which was cover with freckles so cute.

"Bloody hell you're so pretty." He blurts out he slaps his hand on his mouth not meaning to say that. Well it was true but he didn't mean to say that out loud. They heard Hermione, Ginny, and Harry giggles at how awkward Neville was being. While Ron was being the protective brother. Ron cross his arms and glares at Neville. "Watch it, Longbottom." Mabel just ignored him so did Neville.

"Awe you're adorable." She giggles "What's your name?" Neville was so shocked that all this was happening. First a pretty girl talking to him and now the pretty girl thinks he's adorable.

"It's Neville. Neville Longbottom."

"Nice to meet you, Neville."


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