
142 2 0

Brian's POV
I was already half way through a bottle of whiskey. Why do I keep doing this? This never helps anything...but it's the only way I can cope with my depression. I have no one who can help me. I hadn't realized I was drinking the whiskey while I was thinking. I finished off the rest then threw the bottle at the wall. "Fuck!!" I scream just staring at the broken glass and the wall. KNOCK KNOCK!! I heard someone knocking at the door violently. Great my neighbors are mad because I'm making so much noise. As I open the door a girl says conceded "Are you okay? What happened?"
"I'm fine I just dropped a glass bottle. Who are you by the way?"
"I'm Randi I just moved in next door."
"Oh okay."
"Do you need help cleaning that up or do you have it."
"I can..."
Everything went black next thing I knew I was in my bed. I tried to get up but I moaned. My head was killing me. I heard someone walking up the stairs. It was the girl from last night with a glass of water and ibuprofen.
"Thanks, " I say trying to sit up.
Sitting down on the bed "Are you feeling any better you passed out and I carried you up here."
"Wait you carried me up here? And how did you get in here?"
"After you passed out I decided I shouldn't leave you alone so I slept on your couch...Sorry."
"N, it's okay you were just looking out for me. I'm Brian by the way."
"I'm Randi...if you remember me telling you last night."
I struggled to get down the ibuprofen. As I laid my head down on my pillow the cover was pulled up to my neck. Then everything was black again.

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