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Randi's POV
As I put the cover up to his neck I realized he looked cute when he slept. Wait what am I thinking that's fucking weird I need to quit. I walk down the stairs and start making chicken noodle soup for Brian. I hear him walk down the stairs.
He moans "That smells really good." As he sits at the table.
I pour the soup into a bowl and say "It always helped me when I had a hangover."
"How did I get so lucky to have you as a neighbor."
"Must be fate."
"Haha yeah."
"So are you alright I can stay I just should probably brush my hair I look like shit."
"Yeah, I know how you feel long hair is a struggle."
"Alright, I'm gonna go brush my hair don't pass out again."
Brian's POV
As she walked out the door I said to myself "I must be dreaming." I walk over to the couch and turn on the tv. Ghostbusters was coming on I'm 5 minutes. I fist bumped the air. Randi walks in as soon as Ghostbusters comes on.
"Hell yes, I love this movie." She says jumping over the back of the couch.
"Right though this movie is the best."
"The fucking best."
"You're too perfect. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
"No, but I did scrape my knees on the way up from hell."{I'm sorry it's gonna be in all four Impractical Joker stories😂}
"You couldn't get any more perfect." I say as picking up Benjamin from the ground.
"I fucking love cats! They're so adorable."
"I stand corrected."
"I said you couldn't get any more perfect. You did. So I stand corrected."
We sit through the rest of the movie. I guess I must have fallen asleep because Randi was asleep on my lap. "Screw it." I whisper to myself and go back to sleep.

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