Chapter 1 -Arvingale-

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chapter 1- Arvingale.

"Yes, I know, Okay! Love you, bye!"

It was a humid day in Los Angeles, yet the constant heat was accompanied by a light wind. Overgrown trees gently swayed, and all was peaceful. Apart from one.

"Christ, I've just turned 21. Will she ever give me a break?"

A harsh, crisp sound echoed throughout the cobbled street as a young woman upliftingly walked throughout the street. Her heels were a vibrant, daring red. A calm burst of wind rippled through her tamed brunette locks which were neatly tied into a ponytail. A single curl fell over her eyes which appeared, to be a dark blue shade. The figure swiftly manoeuvred through the colourful streets of LA. After many turns, she stopped at the entrance to an old-fashioned estate. Her work pass which hung around her neck caught the gaze of the sun. Her name shined brightly. Ainsley Hawkins.

The street was packed with traditional blocks of apartments and flats. They appeared to be Victorian, hypothetically judging from the distained glass windows and the exceptionally tall chimneys. Without a second-glance, Ainsley pulled out her cell phone. A small, nokia device with a contagious crack in the left-hand corner of the screen. She scrolled through her notes, and winced at the pathetic screen. The strong gaze of the Sun continued to stare down on the townsfolk.

"10 am, Police station. Cool."

Ainsley continued to walk along the dainty street until she reached a bus stop. She caught her breath, and pulled out a silver flask from her bag. Steam collected on her glasses as she took a sip of her Black coffee. She winced at the abnormal amount of caffeine there was in her drink.

"If this can't manage to keep me awake all day, nothing will."

As a bus slowly pulled up towards the side of the road,  Ainsley slipped her flask back into her bag and cautiously stepped onto the bus. She reached for her bus pass, and presented it to the driver. Grey stubble was noticeable below his mouth, as was also a large amount of sleep gunk in the corner of his eyes. He nodded and scanned the orange plastic pass. She took a seat a couple of rows back next to the window, and pulled out a bunch of files entitled 'Classified'. She run her hand across the page and carefully turned the page over. A picture of a good-looking male was clipped to the top-left corner along with pictures of younger men. All labelled 'TOP PRIORITY' . Ainsley read through the information provided and began to write down some notes on the following page. She examined her latest case, and began to slowly close her eyes. A single rain-drop ran down the grubby, distained window. After a short ride, the bus pulled up once more, but this time, in front of a large police station. She stood up, dusted herself off, and walked out onto the streets.

"Welcome to downtown," The bus driver started, "Knock yourself out Kiddo."

The bus doors suddenly closed, and Ainsley was left exposed out on one of the busiest streets of Los Angeles. Reluctantly, she walked up to the large doors of the station, tightened her hairband, and entered the building. Unkempt plants stood solemnly in the corner of the entrance, along with a broken refreshments machine. Ainsley's eyes wandered towards the reception stand, where a young looking woman sat upright in her chair, chewing gum. The woman was engaged in a heated conversation on the phone. Slowly, she twisted the phone cord around her middle finger. She waved at the hot-mess who was stood at the entrance, and signalled her to come in.

"You want me to send her straight to you? Are you sure she's capable? Okay, okay. I'll send her down now."

The perky receptionist slammed down the phone and began to run her fingers through her bleached-blond hair.

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