Chapter 2-Missed-

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Darkness slowly began to cover the city as the moon gained control of the sky. Stars intimidatingly stared down at a figure, perusing chase down a dark, cramped alleyway. Ainsley swiftly turned a sharp corner, and caught sight of the rebellious leader.

"Don't make me shoot Shade! I've done it before and I'm not afraid to do it again!"

Shade laughed, and accelerated quickly. He led Ainsley through many twists and turns, and finally, stopped dead in his tracks. Shade was cornered. Left mercilessly at a dead end. The three brick walls surrounding him were exceptionally tall, and they didn't look stable to climb whatsoever. Ivy clung onto the weak wall, and protruded into small cracks in the walls.

"Well Well, we meet again. Never thought I would ever see you after our little 'incident' a while back."

Shade pulled out a cigarette and a bold, red lighter out of his biker jacket. He held the cigarette between his front teeth, and let the lighter do the killing. A sudden Gast of wind kissed Ainsley's cheek. She crossed her arms and held her head down, trying to hide the fact she was freezing.

Ainsley replied bluntly.

"Why does everyone bring up my past? I'm trying to escape from it!"

Ainsley frustratingly kicked the wall to her left hand side. She ran her delicate fingers through her hair, and let out a sigh. Shade breathed out a cloud of toxic smoke and shook his head.

"That's funny, don't you mean our past? I'm pretty sure I'm a victim as well you know."

Shade brought the cigarette back to his lips and breathed in once again. Ainsley watched him suddenly toss the tab onto the ground, and stamp on it to distinguish the small, dying spark.

Shade leaned against the back wall and put both of his arms out in front of him.

"Go on, you caught me. Arrest me!"

Ainsley continued to stand in front of Shade. She made no movement whatsoever. Her eyes met Shades', and she formed a sympathetic smile.

"Shade," she began,

"Leave. Don't let me catch you around here again. Otherwise, I will have to turn you in."

Shade zipped up his leather jacket. He stepped closer to Ainsley, and began to whisper in her ear.

"Trust me Sweet Cheeks, you will be seeing me again. We have a lot of catching  up to do."

Shade pulled back, and stood confidently in front in front of the confused girl. He winked, and proceeded to walk around Ainsley and down the alleyway. Slowly, he disappeared into the night.

"I can't believe he's here, after everything that happened at the institute, he's really here. That means Graves will be around too."


After many hours, Ainsley finally reached her home. She fumbled around outside the freshly painted, white door in her bags for her keys, and slid them into the lock. She stepped into the small, quaint corridor, and dropped her bag by her feet. Darkness had completely absorbed the city, and the moon was sat looking pretty at its highest position in the sky. Ainsley continued to venture into the house. She slowly stepped into her living room, and flicked on the main light. The heart of the house roared violently as flames flickered back and forth. A quaint chandelier hung in the centre of the ceiling, and a cream, round rug sat comfortably in the middle of the floor. Ainsley sniffed, and sat down on her brown swede sofa that was facing a small tv.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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