Chapter Seven

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Will POV
After a long day of work I come home and see Natalie lying on the bed crying. "Hey, what's wrong" I ask.

"He came to your house. Connor. He wouldn't leave me alone until I rushed to the door and and locked it. I'm so glad your home." She gives me a kiss and I hug her.

"It's going to be okay." I say comforting her.

"But when does it stop. He's not going quit until he gets what he wants. Me." I don't know what to say to her cause I don't want this to end badly. "Don't worry you have me. I will make sure that nothing happens to you." I see her smile and she climbs into my arms and we lay on the bed till we both fall asleep.

Connor POV
What am I going to do. Everything I try seems to always fail. I want to make it up to her. I just have to find out how.

(Next Morning)
I get up out of my bed and I walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I can see a big purple bruise across the bottom of my face. The son of a bitch thinks he can protect Natalie from me. Well he is mistaken.

I arrive at work and walk into the E.D. Not much activity is going on so I hang out in the lounge for a while and I think about Natalie. I just want to invite her to one dinner and I will never bother her again. Thankfully she walks in without Will. "Hey" she says quietly like she's avoiding conversation. I look at her and I get up and approach her.

"I'm not going to sugar coat this, I just want you to come over tonight so we can talk. I will never bother you again if you just please come tonight." I can tell she is thinking about my offer and how much she wants this to end. She finally responds "Ok" and I thank her.

Natalie POV (On the way to Connor's)
I don't know exactly why Connor wants to talk because there is nothing to explain. He cheated on me and he needs to accept that I don't want him. I just want this to end.

I knock on the door and Connor opens it and invites me in. He slams the door and locks it. I turn around and he looks pissed. "What's going on-" I ask, but before I finish his hand is on my mouth. "I need you not to say anything tonight and let me do everything." He slides his hands down to my hips and leans in to kiss me. I jerk my head away from him, but that only makes him mad. He pushes me down to the couch and I hit my head on the leg of the couch. He then try's to kiss me again holding me down so I can't move. He kisses my neck and I try to break free. "Stop pretending you don't want this" he says unbuttoning my shirt. "And if you say anything to Will about this, I will do more than just hurt you." That's the last thing I remember from that night and I wish I could go back home.

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