Chapter Nineteen

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Natalie POV
I wake up early in the morning to the sound of Will snoring beside me. It was really early maybe around three or four, but I get up anyways because I need to go to the bathroom. I slide out of bed and walk in and close the door behind me. I turn around and see my lab coat on the floor, realizing that Connor's note is still there. Shit, I need to hide this. If Will sees it, he might think I still like Connor. I quickly hide it in my drawer in the bathroom and go back to bed....

A few hours past and I am woken up by my alarm going off. I reach over to turn it off and try and sleep for 5 more minutes. But I am woken up by Will.

"Hey, you need to get up. Goodwin wants us in earlier." I only groan at him.

"Come back at like 10:00." I say to him softly but he pulls me up.

"Hey" I snap back. But I'm interrupted when his lips crash into mine.

"Oh how men have there ways to convince women to get up." I say smiling.

Connor POV
I hope I didn't frighten Natalie when I gave her that note. I just needed a way to apologize to her without me getting in trouble.

I walk into the hospital and put my things away. I go meet Maggie so she can give me a patient.

"Hey, anyone else need some treatment?" I ask her. She hands me the tablet and I read that I'm partnered with Natalie. This can't be right.

"Who signed this case off to me?" I ask Maggie.

"I think Goodwin did. Why is there a problem?" How does she not know about me and Natalie. I just shake my head no and go find Mrs. Goodwin.

(Goodwin's Office)
I knock quietly on her door and she invites me in. "Hey. Did you sign this patient off to me and Nat. I thought I wasn't allowed to."

She stops writing and looks back at me. "I talked to Hank and he said during some cases, you can work with her if we are short on staff. Which we are." I nod my head and leave without answering back. Will is gonna be pissed. 

Will POV
We arrive at the hospital and go inside. Maggie tells Nat that she needs to meet Connor in treatment one.

"Woah. What the hell. He's not supposed to be working with her"

"Sorry, can't do anything about. Talk to Goodwin." Before I can talk to Nat, she is already heading towards the room. I run up behind her.

"Hey, why are you actually gonna work with him. Remember what he did to you."

"Will, I will be fine. It's not like he will do anything bad with security roaming around the hospital. He has changed."

"And how do you know that"

She just looks at me. I can tell she is hiding something.

"I just do. Let me get to work." I see her enter the room and I just shake my head. I need to talk to Goodwin....

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