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"I'll stay by your side , silly "

I am alone . Cornered .The assembly of the wicked surrounds me . I am mocked and shunned . Abandoned . Lies and pain , inside me .


I feel torn and shattered , inside out .
Tears tricked from my eyes , blood making their way from me and lay on the ground , a lake of crimson , my life , draining out from me .

Is there anyone who can save me from this misery ?

So cold .

As my eyes flutter open , a women , eyes filled with worries and tears , was shaking me hardly and shouting . Who is she ? She seem oddly familiar yet the blurry image before couldn't seem to be better . The harder I tried to look properly , the blurrier the image was . I tried to force open my mouth , yet it felt heavy , My voice would not come out . It felt like thorns , thousands of them , holding it back .

"YUURI ! YURRI ! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HIM ! Help him........My son is dying .........."the women screamed as she fell into the ground on her knees . Her angelic voice softens as her pair of hands covered her frame .

My face felt wet , as there were droplets of water falling into me , were they tears ?

Cold .

"Don't......c..ry" , I could barely speak .I am not sure if I my voice could reach her .

The women above me cried even more , pain and hurt all gathered in her brown orbs . Suddenly , I found myself inside a pair of arms . So warm that I wish I could stay there forever but it seems like an impossible dream .

My conscious was slowly slipping away from me , bit by bit . My version became blurrier until I fell into the abyss of darkness.

The smell of antiseptic lingered in the air blending together with the metallic smell of blood .

Screams . Cries . They masked the air with pain and grief , of losing someone which they held first before them .

Who knows how many people had cried in this place . A hundred times ? Or maybe a Thousand times ?

People were welcome to the world in this place and they also spend their last moment in the same place . All back to square one .

Yuuri's eyes fell into his eye lids and he slept peacefully with his mouth left slightly agar. His skin is as pale as white unlike usual , just like corpses .

It's frightening how he looked so peaceful in his sleep , as though he wasn't making a slightest effort to fight for his life .

The room he occupied had only one bed and curtains attached to the ceiling . The walls around him were white-washed , dull and empty , showing no sign of liveliness . A painting was hung on the wall , a young girl sitting alone on a bench under a tree filled orange and red leaves , some were scattered around the ground .......
A smile was hung on her face . She was smiling . Yet her eyes seem to be telling a different story . Perhaps , she knew that was going to die .

On his left side , was a balcony , allowing a beautiful cherry blossom to be in sight . The pink petals swayed in the air as the sun light poured into the room that looked almost dead
, it light up every nook and corners .

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