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                                                                                          Jacobs p.o.v.

It's the end of summer break and this is my first day on an other school.
I broke up with my boyfriend this summer I really don't wanna think about him.

I get my things ready and walk to school.

When I arrive to school I walk to the office and ask where I need to go because I'm new. 'Do you have a locker mr bixenman?' 'No I don't' i say to the man. 'Walk with me' he starts walking to the hallway. 'This is your locker now' he points at a locker. 'Thank you sir' he walks away. I look around and notice someone is staring at me. I look at him and smile. He turns away. He is really handsome, he has brown curly hair and he is wearing a really big sweater. He walks away really fast.

I ask someone where I need to go and I walk to my first class. When I walk in I see the boy sitting in the room. I walk to the place that is left next to him. 'Can I sit here?' I ask him and I point at the chair next to him.  He looks at me 'yeah sure' he says. His voice is so cute.

*bell rings*

The boy gets up really fast. I also get up but the boy trips over my foot and falls down on the ground. 'Shit I'm sorry' i say to him and I help him get up. He hit his head and its bleeding.He is trying to say something but I can't understand anything. His eyes close and he isn't moving anymore.

I call 911 and try to wake him up. The ambulance arrives and helps the boy. One man asks me some things about the boy. 'What happened to him?' 'He tripped over my door and hit his head after that he didn't move anymore so I called 911' I tell the man. 'And what's his name?' 'I.. I don't know I'm new here' the man walks away. I walk to the boy and holds his hand 'I'm so sorry' I whisper to him. 'Are you going with us?' A man asks me. 'Yes' I answer and get in the ambulance.

When we arrive to the hospital they take the boy somewhere else and I can't come with him. I wait for the boy. A man walks to me. 'You can walk with me' i get up and walk with the man. I see the boy laying in a bed. 'He can go home. But he is still under anesthesia.' The doctor tells me. I nod and he walks out. I search for the boys phone. When I found it I can see he has a lot of messages from 'emma❤️' so I call her.

'TROYE IS THIS YOU? WHERE ARE YOU? YOU NEED TO COME HOME NOW!!' A girl yells. 'Hum I'm sorry I'm Jacob and I'm in the hospital with him. He fell on his head but he is fine. He can go home but I don't have a car and I don't know where he lives. Can you pick him up?' It's quite for a second. 'I'm sorry yes of course I will be there in 5 minutes' the girls hangs up and I put his phone back in his pocket.

A couple minutes later a girl walks into the room. 'Hi I'm Emma Troye's girlfriend ' she shakes my hand. 'I'm Jacob nice to meet you. She looks nice but I didn't think Troye was dating girls. ' my car is outside but how are we gonna get him to the car' she laughs. 'I can carry him. He probably doesn't weight so much' I pick him up and walk after her to her car.

We arrive to his home and Emma walks up to his room. I lay him on his bed and we leave his room. Emma and I walk downstairs. 'Aren't his parents home?' I ask her. 'No Troye lives here on his own but most of times I'm here to take care of him' she smiles. After a couple minutes Troye walks downstairs. He looks so cute his hair is messy and he is still wearing a big sweater. I wanna give him a hug but Emma already walks to him and hugs him. It looks like he is in a lot of pain. 'Hey Troye how are you feeling?' I ask him. He looks confused at me. 'I..I'm fine..' he says. I look at his head it looks bad but I don't say anything. 'I'm gonna make some tea. Do you want some Troye?' He nods his head and Emma walks away.

He sits down next to me. 'I'm so sorry I hope you're okay' I say to him. 'How do you know my name?' He asks.'Emma told me about you. You're probably really happy with her' i smile but I'm actually kinda jealous of her. 'I.. ehm' Emma walk in and Troye stops talking. 'What are you talking about guys?' I answer 'I asked Troye if he is okay' Emma sits down next to him and hugs him again. And again it looks like Troye is in pain.'You're so nice Jacob' Emma says to me. 'Thank you' is smile at her. 'Troye maybe it's smart if you go back to your bed again' Emma says to Troye. I notice Troye looking at me. 'Troye?' Emma asks him again.  'What?' 'I said maybe it's smart for you to go back to your bed' Emma gets up and takes his hand. They walk upstairs and He looks at Me again.

Emma walks downstairs. 'Can you stay here I need to go home' she asks me. 'Yes of course ' she gives me a hug and walks out. A couple minutes later I hear some noises coming from Troyes room so I run upstairs. I see Troye is crying. 'are you okay Troye?'

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