Seventeen (Jimin POV)

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A/N: okay I literally freaked when I saw this was chapter Seventeen. That's... really sad. Also this chapter is out of sequence btw.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The walls were plain white. I wasn't wearing my own clothes either. The sickly smell of medicine and bleach filled the air. So... I'm in hospital?

I sat up and looked around. There was an oxygen mask on my face, flowers on the table beside me. White lilies. And cards too, mostly from family I guess.

There was someone beside me. Jungkook. What's he doing here? I tried to take off the mask and speak but he put his hand out and stopped me.

'It's okay Jungkook, he's allowed to take it off.' Someone walked through the curtain.

'O-okay dr. Kim'

He brushed a loose strand of raven hair away from his face. This person was way too handsome to be a doctor.

'I'm going to need to run some tests later Jimin, but for now I'll let you talk with Jungkook. I'm sure he has a lot to say.' Said the man. Dr. Kim, Jungkook called him.

I nodded and turned to face Jungkook
'Why are you here?'

'Why? Because I love you and I was scared for you. Do I need another reason?'

I shook my head, no.
'But what about that woman I saw you with?'

He rolled his eyes
'You mean my boss? She was reminding me to dress smart for the corporate meal. You're crazy Jimin.'

'So... you weren't cheating on me?'

'No! Why would I ever do something like that? I love you.'

'Oh... well, truthfully, I still loved you. But you could have at least tried to explain.'

'I did! You just didn't lis- Jimin? Are you okay?'

I'm fine. At least I think I am.

Then the world went black around me.


'He'll be fine Jungkook. He's just tired. You should go home and tell your friend, Yoongi if I remember correctly. He'll be worried about you, and Jimin.'

'Okay Dr. Kim. You're sure he'll be okay though?'

'Of course he will. Don't worry.'

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