Chapter 1 (Emma's POV)

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  *BEEP* *BEEP* I groaned hearing my stupid alarm clock ring like a bell on Sunday morning. It was a day before the first day of school which sadly meant , yes , summer was over. Was I ready for the halls of high school to haunt me yet? , nope. But we don't always get what we want. I quickly hop out of bed yawn like the natural beast I am and make my way to my bathroom to do my daily routine and make myself look decent . After doing all that I made my way downstairs and saw my lovely father awake in his nice solid black suit sipping on his coffee while reading something off his laptop. Deciding to make a grand entrance and just be me I guess. I scream " AHHHHH!" he jumps slightly and swears under his breath . " Now Jared you are well aware that is no way to speak in front of your child " I giggle and he joins in my little laughing fit " sweetie what are you doing up so early school doesn't begin until tomorrow " I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the fridge scanning it for anything good and then my eyes lay upon a beautiful slice of pie in the fridge , I licked my lips and answer him " I'm trying to get used to my early bird routine , you know since school does start tomorrow , and I have a lot of things to do today and get ready so yea ...". I took a bite out of my pie and he gives me his i'm the big boss stare " I don't mind that but make sure you take the car and Emma please eat actual breakfast " he stood up and gave me a kiss on my head telling me hes loves me before walking out . Sighing I make my way back to my room and just stand in the center of it for a moment , " this year is going to be the year were you make your dreams happen Em , your gonna achieve your goals , your gonna make dad happy and you will stop dreaming and hoping she will come back this is your year don't mess it up ". Although the little pep talk I gave to my self was supposed to make me strong it did the opposite , but denying the fact I continued on with my day and decided to pick out my outfit ( ) so I could go shopping. Once that was all done I made why back downstairs again , grabbed my keys and like that I was at the door . The summer heat still lingering in the air hit me like a wave , the difference between the air conditioned home and the heat filled air never seized to surprise me . I hop in my car blast the music and leave the windows down to breath. The drive to the mall is quick and just quiet , which is understandable considering I am alone . Now your probably wondering why i'm alone or if I even have any friends to begin with and to answer that I respond with a yes, but there just school friends and there not many. I mean I don't really have a bestie since I haven't found that certain connection yet . I step out of my car and observe the gigantic building swallowing up people and letting them out before I walk inside. quickly I am greeted by cold air and various fast food smells that made my mouth water ' focus Em shop first food later ' after that little debate in my head I make my way to all types of shops getting shirts,sweats,jeans,shorts,undergarments and some school supplies. After my long and hard shopping spree I think I was entitled to a reward so I make my way to the food court, see a pizza stand with an acceptable line and get some of that .Taking bite after bite its like the pizza never stopped tasting good, the cheesy goodness tasted like heaven in my mouth . Since I was a loner on this fine day I let my eyes roam around the mall and just observe, there was nothing really interesting to look at until my eyes landed on a group of boys , or should I say gorgeous perfected creatures . They all were crazy good looking and from my observation they were all laughing about something which showed off their great smiles and made me want to drool. I decide to take my eyes off of them before I look like a major stalker so I get up and put on my headphones and make my away from the food court and start to leave the mall but because I was to engrossed with my music and an embarrassing dork I bump into someone dropping my shopping bags causing some of my stuff to fall out , the most eye catching being my black lace underwear and bra set . I take off my headphones and quickly try and pick up my stuff ; the stranger bends down and tries to help me and when I see who it is i'm blown away at my horrible luck . My oh so mysterious stranger was one of the crazy good looking hotties. " nice choice I would've picked it to " the good looking stranger says , while I just blush and laugh taking it from his hands shoving it back in the bag " uhm, thanks i'm sorry for bumping into you " "oh no don't apologize Im the one who bumped into you i'm Jace by the way " he sticks out his hand and I notice how toned his arm is and before he can see me staring I answer " Emma " i take his hand in mine and shake it , he smiles and then another gorgeous hottie calls him which means he had to go I guess " well Emma I hope to see you some time again if i'm lucky but I need to go bye " I smile and blush just slightly "bye" I watch him jog back to his friends and then head to my car and like that one of the most eventful things that would ever happen to me was over . The drive back home was just like the drive to the mall quiet and short , I make it home lock my car and unlock my front door shutting it behind me . First thing I do is make my way to my room and put everything away by the time that's all done its like 8 and getting late and dad is still not home , he works a lot so I knew he wouldn't be home until 11. Having nothing better to do and first day of school being tomorrow I go to bed . I lie on my side almost about to fall asleep and remember my little speech I gave to myself earlier today and that's when I finally fall into a deep deep sleep.  

Authors Note: im working on it , chapters will be longer and filled with more suspense and detail.

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