Chapter 20

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"Alright kiddos out of the car we've reached our destination" jace chirps.

How could one possibly be so happy after the events that had occurred tonight.

"Jace man I have a question" Jaxon asks.

"Sure what's up?" Jace says putting the car in park.

"Are you a daddy"

Me and Ryan burst into laughter as jace gives Jaxon a quick playful glare. I mean Jaxon wasn't wrong jace was so responsible I wondered if he  actually was a parent trapped in teenage boys body. Like that movie with Zac Effron!

"Your one strange chicken nugget Jaxon" I say trying to stop giggling at how his words sounded when he asked jace if he was a 'daddy'.

"Why thank you mi lady" he shouts hopping out.

"Well lets go summon Satan !" Ryan shouts jumping out as well.

I smile at the two before retreating into my depressed self. I didn't have the energy left in me to face Hayden and Austin right now. I wanted to enjoy the night but that was going to be hard with the both of them here.

I wasn't completely mad at Hayden considering he really didn't do anything but encourage Austin to hurt peter oh and he was kind of a jerk to me before but that situation was dealt with. As for Austin I can't even look at him,the way he played me was despicable and unforgiving. Even though it was more my fault then his;I knew I wasn't ready to be in a relationship and I moved too fast. It was my fault I got hurt but it was his fault that I was broken, shattered left to pick up the pieces. If he wanted nothing to do with me there could've been easier ways to get his point across other then making out with some slut in front of me then punching my middle school best friend.

I sigh trying not to let my emotions get the best of me before I hop out.

"Hey Em" jace calls from the drivers seat looking at me through the mirror.

I totally forgot he was still in her. Poor jace has been waiting for me all this time.

"I'm sorry jace just go ahead without me I'll be there in a minute"

"No,look I know your sad but life is worth so much more then dwelling over high school boy drama. I know it's much more then that to you but for just a moment have fun and forget, I can see that your always sad and I don't know why but maybe one day I will, but for now have fun while the opportunity is still there ok? Life goes on so should you"

After his inspirational speech he walks out leaving me speechless.

Huh, who would've knew that jace could be a parent and councilor. The guy is just filled with surprises.

Deciding to go with my gut and jaces oh so very helpful push I get out of the car rushing towards Jaxon and Ryan with a smile on my face. A smile I was praying looked more real and genuine then it felt.

"Ready to play with the devil girls" I smile evilly hooking my arms between the both of them.

Both boys giving me startled glances confused to my sudden burst of happiness but quickly replace them with smiles I guess not wanting to ruin my mood.

"You bet !" Ryan screams

"Lets go !" Jaxon shouts excitedly.

"We're gonna die" jace sighs most likely fearing his life.

Aweeeee poor jacey pooh he really should've brought his big boy pants because tonight was going to be spooktacular! Haha see what I did there.

"Oh come on jace I'm sure no one will get possessed tonight" Scott assures him popping out of nowhere.

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