The stolen heart

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car·di·o·my·op·a·thy  [kahr-dee-oh-mahy-op-uh-hee]

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a heart condition in which the heart muscle weakens and the heart becomes enlarged.

My family always took pride in being happy. Sometimes it was hard but we did it. It's hard to think of what's best, to not be selfish, when you're dying from some sort of heart disease. Two weeks. Full stop. I could be saved if I got a transplant but nobody seemed to want to die yet. We always hold on to the little life we have left. When I was given an expiry date I forgot how to live. That's where Dyson came in. He re taught me how to live and not just survive. How to enjoy life and be truly happy.

We all have a past and we all have a destiny. We might break a few hearts or get heart broken on the way but there's always an outcome. All I saw were the carved word Anna A Pleasley written on a tomb stone.

My heart was stolen by peopleband passed around like a hot potato until it was cool and somebody kept it. Will Dyson be the one to steal my fragile broken heart?

Or is death always one step ahead?

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