Chapter one - teaching me how to live.

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The stolen heart.

Chapter one.

car·di·o·my·op·a·thy [kahr-dee-oh-mahy-op-uh-thee]

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a heart condition in which the heart muscle weakens and the heart becomes enlarged. As the heart becomes stretched, its lower chambers (ventricles) are less able to pump blood efficiently, eventually leading to the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to the body, or heart failure, as well as abnormal heart rhythms.

Why I kept reading the same depressing passage, I don't know. I've always thought that if I looked at it for long enough the words would jump out of the page and rearrange themselves like they did in percy jackson. They could become something positive and encouraging that doesn't make me seem weak and helpless like a puppy being strangled by a five headed mutant lion/serberus/frog/hampster mummy bear thing on it's period on a bad day.

So there I was. Brown hair falling over my face as I stared down at the bright white screen of my phone that displays the horrid truth. Months I had been waiting for a stupid heart transplant. Those damn stupid months I'd been waiting for some poor hopeless guy to get their heart to be removed from their rotting flesh by a butcher like surgeon. Months I had been waiting for someone to loose every earthly thing they own so I can gain more.

'Many patients waiting for a heart transplant'

The slow beeping of the stupid heart monitor greatly annoyed me to the point I had to unhook it and throw it across the room. I frustratedly got up and stalked out of the 'oh so secretive' shower curtain that separated me from the nurses outside of my hospital room. I guess it might seem slightly weird that I enjoyed my frequent trips to the hospital. Maybe it's the Emergency button that I liked to press so I could talk to one of the nurses; sad as it sounds. Sometimes a giant mansion full of five brothers and five sisters in the middle of nowhere isn't very ideal. No matter how rich you are or how much love and caring you are surrounded by.

I let the cold water run over my boney fingers making them turn a sickly yellow/red tint. Before they numbed I gathered the water in my hands in a pool then splashed it over my face. I spluttered the water out from my mouth, blinking to remove the sting from my eyes. Leaning over resting my hands on the sink, I looked at the pale girl staring back. The unusual clouded grey irises gazing towards the lost girl that stares at her.

I'll say it now but don't think I'm vain because of it. I know I'm attractive. As Trevor Browning stated many times in year ten. Big eyes that always seem to be smiling and sparkling with curiosity. My mother described my hair as long dark chocolate waves that cascade down my back like chocolate milk. My three older sisters Claire, Jennifer and Jennaire, yes Jennaire. They're triplets and my parents thought it was twins so they mixed Jennifer and claire, Jennaire. Anyway, my sisters said my skin was like clear porcelain. They don't say that anymore.

I wiped my face of excess aqua with the corner of my dress and sniff from a cold I seemed to be getting. Stepping outside of my cramped hospital room I used my amazingly awesome ninja skills of awesomeness to not get caught but fate Hates me so I bumped straight into Alex pettifer...


Haha I wish!

Just a friggin' hot stupid dumbass.

"Woah, Tiger, slow down" he said catching my stumbling body while my hair falls over my face getting stuck in my peach lip gloss.

"I don't have time to slow down, Dumbass" I said trying to push past him but he blocked my way making me huff in clear disappointment.

"No need for the abuse, Kitten. Got somewhere to be?" He smirked leaning on the wall next to me. He owned the kind of aura that makes you so comfortable in his presence. He had that warm intoxicating light khaki green gaze that must have got hundreds of girls swooning and begging at his feet.

"No, I might die before I get to run away from the crazy nurses on this stupid ward I like to call home"

He pushed himself off the wall and raises his perfect eyebrows "If you're a patient, why are you not wearing a hospital gown?" He gestured to my flowy dark marine dress that made me look something like Kate Middleton after she had baby George. Obviously without the bloated post natal stomach.

"I refuse to wear those stupid gowns that show your butt cheeks when your walking down the hall!" I said passionately.

He smirked "She has dignity" he said as if talking about someone else.

"Well I've got roughly two weeks so if I'm going out, why not go out with dignity?"

He huffed "That sucks"

I snorted unattractively "Ya' think"

His eyes lit up in pure excitement "Come with me" he said gesturing to the entrance with his head, making his dark brown hir fall slightly into his eyes.

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest "Why would I even think of going anywhere with you- heck, I don't even know your name!"

He nodded in understanding then did that smirk again "Let's start again, alright?"

I grined and nodded "Hi, I'm Anna, Anna Pleasley"

He did some sort of (weird) full turn and stuck his hand out snd styled it out with a swift wink "Dyson, Dyson Meyers and I'm gonna teach you how to live."

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