Part 12

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Maybe it was because she wasn’t so God damn hungry, or that the blood had given her a luckyrush, but she knew for certain, she was happy because of Louis.

Brooke could see her house and turned to Louis.

     “Are you coming in or?”

     “No, I’m not, but I’ll see you later.” He turned away and started walking away. Brooke stared at his back, watched his every move. Was he leaving? Just like that? Brooke blinked a few times and slowly started walking towards her house again. She felt a hand on her shoulder. But she shrugged it of.

     “Brooke, wait.”

She looked around. People were watching them. Couldn’t they just mind their own business?


She faced him.

     “Weren’t we supposed to meet up later?” she said.

     “I thought you needed a proper good bye, though.”

     “Why? You aren’t leaving for a week, I’ll see you soon.”

     “Yeah, you will, but I know you, you overanalyze everything and you’re thinking too much. Just, don’t do that. You think that I’m mad at you ‘cause I just went off, well I’m not, so don’t think that.”

     “What? I didn’t think you were mad at me. Why would you think that?” she lied.

     “I saw it the way you moved, in your eyes when you faced me. I’m not stupid, and you’re not very good at hiding your emotions.”

She had no answer to that. Was she really that see-through? He leaned in and she turned her face up, so he could kiss her. It was a light kiss, a little peck on the lips, almost like a tease.

     “Just relax, and I’ll see you soon, love”, he said and stroked her arm. He fumbled with her fingers and gave them a light kiss too, and then left.

Once she was inside her house, she noticed two suitbags beside the door. So Nelly and Lynn were back. But they were nowhere to be found at the moment so Brooke could relax, like Louis had told her to do.

She heard a cough from her father’s office and she assumed that he was back too. Or that he had arrived later in the night or early in the morning. She had no idea. But the fact that he was back made her panick and feel relief at the same time. She needed to talk to him. She hadn’t seen him since yesterday, but so much had happened since then and it felt like a year ago.

She walked up to his door and raised her hand to knock but hesitated. What if there was somebody else in that room, what if he had told everybody in the Council and that they had made a trap for her to step in and then kill her?

She shook her head. That was her father that she was thinking about, but she couldn’t help that she was afraid of what he might do to her. But exactly, that was her father that she thought about, the man who would do anything to protect his town. But did that really include killing his own daughter?

She swallowed and knocked the door. There was a silence for a moment but then she heard chair legs scraping against the floor and footsteps. The door opened and her father stood there, with his shirt unbuttoned at the top and messy hair. He looked very tired. They stood there for a while and just looked at each other, and then he finally stepped aside.

She walked past him and into the office. It smelled smoke and tobacco, so she could tell that he had been smoking on his pipe. It lay and smoldered on the desk. He sat down behind the desk and Brooke just stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.

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