Four play or is it?🏀

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Spring break finally came and we all spent our time hanging out and having sex.I stayed the night at jalen house .....y'all know what happened, but anyhow in the midst of having sex I pushed him off me,ran to the trash and threw up. I wondered if I was sick,so the next day I went to the docter and they told me I was 9wks pregnant. when i told jalen the news he was so happy. We told everybody and they were excited even whitt,but we weren't the only one's having a baby,Kayla and Todd were having twins. The day went on and it was wonderful. I went back to my house and told my mom and dad they were happy and a lil disappointed cause I was only 15,but they got over it on the other hand jalen family was even more happier than any of us.(school was ending but not our friend/relationships. Things were actually getting better cause I was having the baby in a few days.)

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