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sighing, he closed his eyes shut as if the darkness could l replace his pain.

Even after all those years, it seemed that he still couldnt forget her. How can he forget her.

"things would never work out between us. It Never did and never will."

Her voice, her face still hunted his mind. Those tears that was never meant for him. Those smiles that used to be his happiness Those meaningful glances they shared. That kiss, that kiss where she made her choice. That dead serious look on her face that he was proud of.

He had a lot of influence on her. No. They were very much alike in the first place. He just let her out. Like peas in a pond.

That day, she made her choice. The day she murdered him with a kiss, she made her choice very clearly. The choice that made him the way he is now, a fool who is madly in love with his murderess.

He was her second choice.

(c') Hiromi Tosaka

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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