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It's like walking into a knock off Gucci store, but full of petite, athletic, teenagers; maybe even young adults. It's a feeling that you sometimes can't handle, or maybe don't want to feel. But you still go in because just like them, you love the soft tights as well!

Walking into Lululemon made me anxious! Only because there were so many people and not enough space! I thought I did the right thing by going to the one way far out instead of the one in my local mall that's always crowded.

But this one has a larger surface area; which means it hold twice as many people as the one in the mall does..

I couldn't really smell anything so I can't do scribe the smell due to my stuffed nose, but I can tell you that I am ready; to finally but me a pair of tights that fit me.

My first time in here was about 12 month ago; a year. I weight 220 and there highest size was a 12 I believe. I splurged to buy that 12; because I needed a pair of workout tights that would last me a very long time, something that could stretch and not tear apart due to my size. I needed sturdy in my life for once.

And when I looked up leggings that good quality. Lululemon was the first thing that popped up. And I will not lie; even though they were very snug, they made me feel hugged and secure.

As I made my way pass the other legging lovers I noticed that everything was arranged by sizes in this store. In the mall, sizes were difficult to find due to customers not truly caring where they went, when it was time to put them back. But in the actual store; the sizes are actually actuate!

I squealed under my breath.

I haven't been this excited about something since I took the MCAT last week. And I don't know if that was excitement, or anxiety! But either way, I'm on the verge of peeing myself I'm so overwhelmed about these leggings!

By the time I made it to the rack of sizes I thought were appropriate for my weight, I grabbed 3 pair, one just plain black, one light blue and was 'tech mesh' I guess, and the last pair was long and flare-legged instead of skinny-legged. Each in a size 10.

I quickly but carefully scurried to the changing rooms. But was stopped when I saw the long line.

No! This didn't kill my vibe; nothing could kill my vibe today! I started my day off with an awesome yoga session, I went for a jog, and I also cleaned my car out. And I haven't cleaned my car out since the day I got it. So yes; I am feeling pretty great today.

The line was moving; but not as fast as I thought it would. I actually forgot that I did take time to try on clothes; because for me, it takes me a decade to take mine off in the first place.

And that can be a good thing, and a bad thing at times..

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to be met by a girl that looked the same age as me.

"There's other changing room stations around the back of the store." I furrowed my eyebrows a little. Wondering why she was telling me this instead of going herself. Was she trying to take my spot? Or was there really other changing rooms?

"I-Um- why aren't you there then? No offense!" She softly chuckled trying to keep her voice down for some reason.

"Because, I'm not a shopper here.. I work here!" I looked down at her attire to see that she was sporting a pair of Lululemon surge pants and a Lululemon jacket. Her hair tied into a very neat bun and a bare, glowing face.

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