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"You know what you?" I looked over at my brother who sat in the passenger seat of my vehicle, guzzling down a burger from five guys while dipping checkers French fries in a chocolate smoothie.

"What?" I continue to scroll down the messages in this group chat my friends and I made our first year in college.

"You- miss out on a lot of shit being vegan." I sighed as his greasy fingers reached to my dash board and turned the radio up.

"No- I don't miss out on much. I'm perfectly fine not eating; that." I reached over and turned the radio down.

"Can you like drive now.. I have places to be Joey." I rolled my eyes throwing my phone in the backseat as I started up the car.

"And you need a new fucking car. Because this one sucks literal ass Jo." He chuckle as he finished off his burgers and now went full on beast mode with his fries and milkshake now.

"Well just because your some big football jock who's making money doesn't mean that I'm some big football jock making money; see I knew you were dumb- but now this d-"

"Nope! I knew you were blind; but not ray Charles blind Jo." I nodded my head and cracked a small smile.

"No. I knew you were....." I stopped for a moment realizing that for the first time in decades of us doing this I had nothing else to say.. I'd ran out of I knew you were's.. was something happening in the heavens?

This has never happened before.

"Wow." Johnathan added as he burst into a fit of laughter.

"I don't know what to say.. I think we need to find another way to insult each other, other than I knew were's." Do things really fade that fast?

It felt just like yesterday when we started that little way of calling each other names.

"Well we've got to come up with something soon.. because what are we gonna call each other and say while I'm back in New York." I sighed as my hands gripped the steering wheel.

I totally forgot his season wasn't over just yet. Old Johnny boy would back to California in a few days. And I'd still be here-

"How was the test? Or exam.. what was it again?" I smiled a bit thinking of the test.

"It was an amazing experienc-"

"O-k. Don't start with that shit Jo. The one thing I will never get use to about you, is the way you describe things." He looks over at me

"Ok, well you asked, you big piece of uncooked meat." It was quiet for a few seconds until we both burst into a fit of laughter.

The test was difficult.. but a good difficult, if you know what I mean. It's like it was challenge, and because I liked to challenge myself I finished with almost an hour to spare. The MCAT is short for, The Medical College Admissions Test. And it's just a test you take once you've made it your last year of undergrad in college and decide you wanted to hop into the field of medicine for a career.

And In high school I already knew what I wanted to be.

A physician

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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