date with john?

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John and cat talked almost every day until the 13th when the date was but after school she texted him and he said his grandma took his keys because he was annoying her and then he called cat to explain what happend and to talk about random stuff and they texted after the phone call about rescheduling the date or something but cat gets confused really easly and is just like a little kid you can treat her like a 1 to 10 year old and she'll still be happy most of the time. She also has her own baby bottle and binkie or whatever. She's really depressed and stuff and really needs some one and hugs and stuff right now but will just have to deal with it like she always does gum, music, wattpad, movies, YouTube (if she had internet) she has moble data tho so she'll live a little longer.

Catie-chan out

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