The Adventures of A Demon Part 12

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Part 12

I slowly walked to the small part of the forest Kurt was meeting me at. Listening to some heavy metal must sure did help me get pumped up for this fight. But, I was nervous about this, since I knew Kurt was a wonderful fighter. Me on the other hand, I'm not all that good. Damn.

I stopped walking in front of an oak tree and leaned on the trunk, waiting for that damn werewolf to come. I'm actually surprised that he isn't here yet. I.'m ready to get this fight over with. I just want to kick the wolf's ass and go away.

I then heard snow crunching loudly and quickly turned my head around and saw Kurt standing not far from me. He then howled and collapsed on the ground. Just like that, Kurt turned into his wolf.

Seeing his whole body change into a wolf in a matter of seconds was a strange but yet interesting to see. It always amazed me that a human can turn into a wolf like it was nothing.

I quickly ran away from the tree to face the huge black werewolf. There Kurt was, standing in a attacking position, snarling in pure rage. His long fangs were covered in dribble, as he was ready to fight. Kurt's eyes bloodshot eyes were staring me down as I put my curly, brown hair in a bun. Feeling the cool breeze blowing on my face actually helped me Caleb down,

I was nervous as hell.

All of a sudden, the black werewolf started to run in my direction. I placed my arms in a punching position. Kurt jumped in the air and I quickly grabbed the wolf before slamming him onto the hard, cold, snow.

I was very surprised that I did that!

"That's all you got, werewolf?"

I chuckled whole watching Kurt get back on his feet, or should I say paws. He's shake his body, getting the heavy snow off of his jet black fur. His evil eyes were still staring me. I can sense that he was beyond pissed.

He jumped once again and bit deeply into my right arm. I screamed in pure pain and started to punch the wolf's head with my left first, trying to get him off of me. He was still holding on to my already hurting arm.

"Get off of me, you damn wolf!"

I screamed once again before I slammed Kurt onto an oak tree. I can hear my arm snapping strongly while Kurt released it.

The fucking werewolf broke my arm!

I strongly held onto my broken arm, which felt like holding a over cooked noodle. I'm not giving up on this fight!

I slowly started to back away from the werewolf, who was lying down in the heavy snow. He slowly started to stand up while wobbling. I can sense that I broke two of his ribs, since I did slam him pretty hard on that oak tree.

'I'm going to kill you!'

Kurt's wolf snarled at me and started to run at me once more. I yelled with fear as I ran away from the furious werewolf. Then I tripped on a small rock, since I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings. I found a pocket knife lying down on the snow next to me.

I now know what to do.

I placed the lower part of my broken arm in my lap while grabbing the pocket knife in my left hand. Even though I hate Kurt more than the Boston Burins, I just can't kill him. I know that he have been giving me and Adam hell for years, but I just can't take someone's life.

I watched Kurt slowly running to me, shivering in fear. This is now or never.

He pounced right into my direction. A rough scream escaped from my chapped lips and stabbed the pocket knife in the werewolf's chest. The wolf howled pure pain once my first combusted into the wolf's chest. The wolf's body landed into my lap and I suddenly gasped.

Kurt's bloodshot eyes were widen, long pink tongue was handing from his jaw that was full of dribble and blood, jet black fur covered in his blood, and all four of his legs were spread out. I never seen anything so horrible.

I never wanted this to happen.

I...I killed Kurt Marvel.

~ To be Continue.

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