The Adventures of A Demon

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Part 1

Finally, all of you humans can know about the daily life of a demon.

You all must be so happy.


Today, my best friend that goes by the name of Adam Stevie, got me a notebook at the dollar store. He has been in a good mood lately.

"You need to write more. It is good for your brain."

I looked at the human and gave him a weak smile, out of thanks.

While we were walking in the forest, we stopped in front of this huge two story house.

"So, is this the girl's house?" I asked to Adam.

Adam looked at a piece of paper that he was holding in his hands.

"Yes, this is the correct address."

I sighed softly and all of a sudden, a girl comes out of the house.

"Lita! It's great to see you again!"

The girl was kinda short, but had a lean built. She had long black hair with purple, blue, and pink highlights. Her Pearl Jam t-shirt looked more like a dress, her black shorts were almost not visible and she had on pink ankle socks.

The girl ran to Adam and hugged him happily.

"It is great to see you as well Adam." The girl say in a cheerful voice. Then, she turned her head to me, and showed me a friendly smile.

This is a half human, half demon.

"I'm Seth Crow, Adam's best friend."

She showed me another bright smile and then, three men appeared.

"Daddy, Ray, J.K, what are you guys doing here?"

The oldest man of the group started at Lita and growled at her.

"Who is this human and demon?"

Adam eyes widen a little and I growled back at the man.

"Chill dad, it's Adam and a friend of his." said the first young man.

The second young man was looking at me like he knows me. My blonde hair was in the way of my light brown eyes, so I couldn't really see him.

The oldest man started to smile and looked at his daughter.

"Please do forgive me on my behavior. I am Cobra Maxwell, Lita's father."

Adam sighed with relief and smiled lightly to Cobra. I nodded to Cobra slightly.

Lita walked to the boy with the spiked, gray highlight haired boy an smirked.

"Seth, this is my twin brother, Ray."

Ray smiled softly to me and I gave him a gentle grin. He looked like to be a nice kid.

The other guy quickly ran to the house, and I found that quite odd.

Since he is a full demon.

- The Crow

The Adventures of  A DemonWhere stories live. Discover now