Chapter 32

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"Go get the door Alexis," they all told me. I walk to the front door and open it. There she was standing with her handbag, her glasses on and her phone in her texting but stopped once she saw me.

"Oh goodie you're here," with much sarcasm dripping from me. I open the door wider so she can come in.

"Alexis I missed you so much! Look how beautiful you have grown up." The whore said aka "my mother".

"Guys! She's here!" I yelled but when I turned around my brothers were already standing here.

"Hello boys. I missed you guys so much." I can tell that she didn't really cause you can hear the fakeness in her voice.

"Likewise." Danny rolled his eyes.

"Alright Mother we just called you over to tell you that we're not coming to you're wedding." Blake said getting straight to the point. "Do you guys wanna add anything?" He looked at all of us.

"Yeah, leave us alone." Julian said.

"Never come back or contact us ever again!" Jason said after Julian.

The whore looked shocked but that didn't stop her from acting like she cared.

"I have some ungrateful children. I gave birth to you guys and this is how you treat me? Alexis my only daughter that I have doesn't even want to come to my wedding?"

"Listen Mother , we are not ungrateful. If anything you are ungrateful, leaving our father with the five of us for what? To marry another man cause he had more money? Abandon us for money? Don't act like you love us! Don't fucking come here thinking that it was all forgiven." Julian yelled at her.
Then I the guys turn and look at me. Now all eyes were on me.
"What?" I asked clueless.
"Don't you want to tell her anything?" Danny said.
"I don't have anything to say to a whore other than don't get STD but I guess that already happen."
Then the whore decided to be a good idea to slap me.

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