Chapter 34

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     Why should I be jealous? I have no right to be, he isn't even mine. He has every right to be with another girl. Come on Alexis you can not fall for him. Be strong. Giving myself that little pep talk, I continue to wait in the car with Max and Ryder for Mason. After 15 minutes he finally decides to show up. 

"Sorry bout that." He says as he gets into the driver's seat. You see I would drive but I'm still kinda drunk and I'm not taking those chances. Plus I still gotta get with Mason... let me stop. I crack myself up all the time. 

"You okay Alexis?"  Max asked me, they were all looking at me. 

"Yes, why?" I asked kinda confused.

"Well... you started laughing outta nowhere," Mason said

I nodded my head and just looked out the window. The ride back to my house was quite mostly cause Max and Ryder fell asleep. 

"Just drop me off at my house I'll come pick my car up tomorrow," I said as I got out of my car and went into my house. I stood at the door a little till I saw that Mason drove off. I texted my brother that I was home, not knowing if they were home or not. By the time I got ready for bed I wasn't really tried. 

I laid in my bed thinking about what happened today.  Okay, I was mostly thinking about Mason. 

Ding, Ding the doorbell rang. I look at my phone and saw that it was one in the morning. Who the fuck rings someone's bell at one in the morning? I walked downstairs and peeked at the side to see who it is. After seeing that it was only Mason, I opened the door for him.

"What are you doing here?"  I asked clearly annoyed. 

"Umm... I came to return your car?" He said well kinda sounded like he asked. 

"Thanks," I said shutting the door in his face. I know that was kinda rude but he was fucking some other bitch. There I go again. Get it through your head Alexis he's not yours. 

Just when I was almost up to the stairs, the doorbell rang again. I open the door once again to face Mason. 

"What do you want?"

"What the fuck is your problem? Like ever since we left the club you have been giving me this attitude. I know I didn't do anything wrong so don't give me that fucking attitude." He said showing that he's pissed. 

I can't let him know that I was jealous. Wait why was I jealous? Just admit it, Alexis, you like him. UGH fine I like Mason. 

"Sorry umm... I was tried. So good night." I said once again shutting the door in his face but he stopped it with his foot. "Need anything else?" 

"It's kinda late, can I stay over?"

"Sure but you're not sleeping with me," I said still kinda confused with my feelings towards him. I know that I said that I like him but I don't know. I never really actually liked someone before.  He nodded his head and followed me to my room. 

I gave him some pillows and a blanket, "you can either sleep on the floor or on the couch downstairs." 

Seeing as he how he made himself comfortable on the floor, I got his answer.  I got comfortable in my bed. Just as I was about to fall sleep my phone dinged as I got a text from an unknown number. 

I opened it, the texted said goodnight beautiful. 

 I texted back,  who is this?

Unknown: It's Brandon...

Alexis:  oh I got scared there for a minute

Brandon: sorry :(

Alexis: It's okay but goodnight thou 

 I didn't wait for his reply cause I was too tried. 

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