i miss

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im sitting on my bed just like crying my eyes out listening to hds and i miss my concert so bad i miss swaying a long to wdbwotv and crying when car radio came on bc that was the first song of theirs i heard i miss waiting in line with so much adrenaline and excitement and happiness i miss watch that white sheet go down and screaming when the intro to fairly local started i miss listening to the piano intro to heathens bc it was a new song and i was so excited to see it live i miss looking around the venue when addict w/ a pen was playing bc everyone was holding up the lights on their phone and i felt so safe i miss screaming my heart out to goner even though i lost my voice the next day i miss hearing tyler say "portland where you at?!" when he was in the crowd for hoty i miss seeing timh bc tyler was so happy up there i miss watching them perform the covers bc they got to have the time of their life with ppl they care abt i miss doing the yeah yeah yeahs during wdbwotv i miss seeing trees live like i always wanted toi miss going down to the pit after the it was over and getting a handful of confetti i miss looking around the venue and holy fuck that was real lived that i miss walking around outside the venue looking for micheal i miss feeling okay

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