Rant Four: Everyone Has The Same Social Battery

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Sometimes I can be having a normal conversation that I'm actually interested in, but something inside me can suddenly flip a switch and I no longer feel like talking. It's almost as if talking is frustrating to me.

This could be completely fine since I usually try to be nice about this and excuse myself from the conversation saying I need to lay down or something— But of course, that's not going to happen since some people say things like "but you were talking just a second ago??? why do you seem angry?" I have problems with anger and can't really handle emotions correctly, but getting to the point, someone saying this makes me more angry. I can't explain why I'm even angry but the best way I can put it is:

Laptops have a battery in them in for it to charge, and each different brand or model has a battery life that may differ. Some may last longer than others, though some aren't as long though.

As most know using different websites, programs, or any kind of application drains the battery. The amount of energy used for different programs varies.

Does that make sense to what I'm trying to get at?

It's pretty much meaning some people have a larger "social battery" than others and certain things drain it faster.

If someone needs this explained better I'll try to rewrite this but ehh

This is the calmest rant I've ever done, wow


Is it mic or mike

Because microphone and all

I dunno

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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