Chapter 4

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(Quick A/N, this chapter will take place when the Yule Ball would have been just announced and people would be finding their dates. Also this includes Krum. I really dont know how to write his accent so I'm really sorry. I dont mean to offend anyone. Please feel free to correct me on it and I'll be sure to fix it. Corrections will be greatly appreciated!)
I slowly walked up behind Hermione. "Oi! Granger!" I yelled with a sneer, "still no date for the Yule Ball i see! Here take this!" I handed her a small business card that when tapped with her wand would show a hidden message only she could see. Things like this were how we had been keeping in contact secretly. "This says Mr. Beaver from the dam in the middle of the lake," she said rolling her eyes. "I know, I sneered, "I figured you'd want to take him to the ball, I mean, you're practically soul mates!!!"

She just rolled her eyes tucking my note away to read later while the Slytherins around us howled in laughter. I gulped nervous at what i had just handed her. I had asked her to meet me in the room of requirements tonight. If she showed up, I was going to ask her to the ball. I was terrified.

Class was done for the day so I walked over to the Durmstrang ship. I had a plan that would allow me to go with Hermione, without anyone knowing. I just needed Pansy and Victor Krums help. I knocked on the boat not really sure where to knock at but knocking in a random place. I saw someone walking off the boat twords me. Luckily it was Krum himself. Lucky for my plan, we had recently become great friends.

"Hey Draco!" he called to me coming down to talk. "Hey Vicktor, I was just wondering if you could do me a huge favor for the upcoming dance," I told him. "Yeah sure," he said. He followed me to the Room of Requirement where I told him my plan. He agreed to help me with minimal struggle. I owed him big time. I had already told Pansy about it and she had easily agreed. Pansy wasn't thr jerk she came across as. She was really a kind, caring person who made a great friend and would take others secrets to the grave with her. No matter the secret.

"So vich vone of your friends vill I be taking to the Ball for you?" Victor asked sounding a little woried, "Vere is vone of that I vas hoping to take." "Pansy Parkinson," I answered nervously, "she's already agreed and everything." "Yes!" He screamed, "I vanted to take her all along and now I dont even have to ask!"

We went down to dinner and ate in silence. Afterwards it was time for me to meet Hermione. "Well, see you Krum, I've got to talk to her now," I said. "I vill see you later," he said and we went separate ways.

Each step i took closer to the Room of Requirement, the more I doubted my plan. Something would go wrong. I just knew it. Most likely she would turn me down. Why would she the perfect student, supper popular, Gryffindor princess want to go to the ball with someone as pathetic as me?

Nervously I opened the door to find that she was already there waiting for me. She jumped at the sound of my entrance and turned around smiling when she saw me. I felt a happy blush rush into my pale cheeks and I felt a little light headed as well as overly overjoyed. Seriously? I'm Draco freaking Malfoy. I never blush!

"So you needed to meet with me Draco?" She questioned. I quickly pulled myself together and walked over to her. "Hermionewillyougototheyuleballwithmeplease?" I asked. "What?" She asked giggling. I took a deep breath. "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" I asked. "Draco, I'd love too, but we cant be seen around each other remember?" She asked.

I took another deep breath preparing to tell her of my plan, "we can make it work. I have a large supply of Polyjuice potion. I have talked to Krum and Pansy and they have both agreed to help us if you are willing to go with me. Krum likes Pansy. Everyone will expect me to take her. The plan is to have me disguised through thr potion as Krum and him as me. Then we could go together. That is if you want to," I told her worried beyond anything that she would turn me down.

She sat there for a moment shocked. "Its okay if you dont want too. Im sorry, I shouldn't have suggested it." I would have kept going, but if was cut off by her throwing her arms around my nec and embraced me in a warm hug. She kissed my cheek. "I'll see you the Ball," she said leaving the room.

I sat down on the couch and sighed. She made me so happy. I know I shouldn't even be her friend, let alone go to the Yule Ball with her but I had to. She made me happy and she was just so beautiful. I groaned. What was I doing?! I was becoming a filthy blood-traitor. The first one in the Malfoy family for a century!!!
Authors Note:
I'm really sorry to anyone who has already read this chapter I just realized that I posted this chapter but not chapter three. It is up now though. Now it might make a little more sense. Im really really sorry guys!!!!!!!!!!! 😬

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