Chapter 6

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I laid in bed thinking about what I had just done. I had kissed Hermione. I had kissed a mudblood. My father would never be able to forgive this. At my house that was a full on crime. If he ever found out, he would crucio me until I ended up like the longbottoms! What had I done?

I laid awake all night, sick with worry finally falling asleep at half past three. I awoke the next morning to a snowy white owl landing on my head. I saw it had a letter attached to its leg. I opened the letter, the snowy owl taking off in the distance.
Thank you for last night. It was truly amazing. Please meet me in the room of requirement at two.
Hermione Granger
P.S. Do not respond using this owl as I have borrowed Harry's for this and it could lead to him finding out.

I looked up the clock to see it read 1:55. I had slept in late! I jumped up quickly combing my hair back and throwing on my robes rushing to the room of requirement. I know I shouldn't go, especially after what happened last night, but I've got to. I think I love her.
(Hermione's Point of View)
Its was 2:05 and Draco still isn't here. I know I'm being impatient, but I'm really worried that kiss didn't mean anything to him. Maybe it was just to keep me from crying. I'm so worried that he won't show up.

I waited another ten minutes and he still hadn't come. I sighed sadly making my way towards the door. Just as I had grabbed the handle, the door flew open hitting me in the face and Draco came rushing in out of breath. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry mione," he said hugging me. "Mione?" I asked. "Yep it's your new nickname," he told me, I laughed holding me head where the door had hit it. "Here let me kiss that better," he said leaving a gentle kiss on my forehead causing me to go a bright fiery red.

He laughed. "Are you embarrassed Mione?" He asked. "No!!" I said quickly while he laughed, "um I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?" "Of course," he answered anything for you. I turned even redder at this.
(Draco's Point of View)
We snuck out of the building and down to hogsmede. It was q Saturday so none of the teachers would know we were missing. Must to my distaste, Hermione insisted that we travel to the muggle world for lunch. I put up a fight, but she won when she pointed out that no one there would recognize us and know we the sworn enemies were together. We traveled for about an hour before arriving at some place called McDonalds. She ordered a hamburger so I ordered that as well.

We got our food and sat down in a small booth. "What is wrong with this place?" I asked her in disgust. "Not everyone can afford fancy restaurants Malfoy and as you don't have muggle money, I was the one paying." "Still I mean what the heck is in this?" I asked holding up my hamburger. "Just eat it," she hissed. I obeyed. It wasn't terrible though it defiantly wasn't good.

We headed back to the castle afterwards planning to spend the rest of the day in the Room of Requirement.  Just before we reached the castle, Hermione turned towards me grabbing my hand. "So yesterday," she said and I blushed, "why did you kiss me? Do you like me? Or was it just to stop me from crying?" I gulped. Answering that question honestly would mean admitting that I was officially a blood traitor. I could be disowned for that, no I would be disowned if my parents ever knew. I took a deep breathe, then said, "no Hermione I do not actually like you," I said and her face fell immediately tears pooling in her eyes. I took another deep breathe before placing my hand on her chin and turning her head to look at me. "No boy could simply like someone as beautiful and kind as you Hermione. I love you." She smiled and said, "I love you too Draco." Then, she kissed me again. I'd done it. I'd ruined everything. All for a mudblood. The thing was, I didn't regret it. I didn't regret it at all. I knew I was a goner. I would have done anything for Hermione. Anything at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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