Pearl AU (Steven Universe): Part I: 5,750 Years Ago...

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??? (Narrator): The Earth, 5,750 years ago; it was a promising site of a new Gem colony, but progress was being thwarted by a small, persistent group of rebels. A team of diplomatic Gems were sent from Homeworld to investigate. Among those Gems was Sapphire, a rare aristocratic Homeworld Gem, with the power to see into the future. Assigned to her were three Rubies, common soldiers, with a mission to protect her.

Ruby 1: "Hey! Can't wait for those rebels to get here!"

Ruby 2: "Haha, yeah! When I see those rebels, I'm gonna punch them right in their faces!"

Ruby 1: "What are you sayin'? I'm gonna punch them all over their bodies, and then it'll be over."

Ruby 2: "What if, I just punch you!"

*Ruby 2 punches Ruby 1 playfully in the back of her shoulder, sticking her tongue out, and Ruby 1 yelps out in pain.*

Ruby: "Oh, come on. We'll punch 'em together when we fuse. That's why they sent, uh, three of us?"

Ruby 1: "Three this!"

*Ruby 1 attempts to punch Ruby, but Ruby blocks the attack. Ruby is knocked backwards, causing her to collide into Sapphire. Onlooking Gems gasp in shock as Ruby quickly steps away from Sapphire.*

Ruby: "Oh, I, um, I'm so sorry, I, let me, uh..."

Sapphire: "I'm fine."

Ruby: "What?"

Sapphire: "It's okay. It was bound to happen."

Ruby: "I, uh... okay."

Sapphire: "Now please wait here. I must attend to my duties."

Ruby: "Right."

Ruby 1: "Mmm."

Ruby 2: "Yes."

*The three Rubies stand in attention as Sapphire walks up to Blue Diamond's Palanquin, where Blue Diamond's Pearl is seen standing next to Blue Diamond's throne.*

??? (Narrator): Sapphire had been called to Earth by Blue Diamond, specifically to share her vision of the future.

Sapphire: *enters the palanquin* "My diamond, I've arrived."

??? (Narrator): Blue Diamond spoke, "Sapphire, tell me what will happen here."

Sapphire: "I foresee the rebels attacking the Cloud Arena. Before they are cornered, they will destroy the physical forms of seven gems, including two of my Ruby guards, and myself. Immediately after my form is destroyed, the rebels will be captured. The rebellion ends here."

??? (Narrator): "Thank you, Sapphire." Blue Diamond said, relieved. "That's all I needed to know."

Sapphire: "I look forward to speaking to you again once I reform on Homeworld."

*Sapphire gives a curtsy to Blue Diamond before returning to her Ruby guards, standing next to Ruby.*

??? (Narrator): Sapphire knew she would be a casualty, but it did not faze her. She saw her whole life laid out before her, and she had already accepted all of it.

Sapphire: *speaks to Ruby* "What a beautiful place to build a colony. I wish I could have seen more of this planet."

Ruby: "Uh... there's still time."

Sapphire: "That is a nice thought, but... no."

Rose Quartz: "Blue Diamond, leave this planet! This colony will not be completed!"

Steven Universe: Pearl AUWhere stories live. Discover now