Chapter 30

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Drawing closer to the prison the smell was the first thing to hit them before their eyes registered what they saw; behind the fence of the courtyard was full of the dead. A jumble of tan prison guards and orange jumpsuit clad prisoners. There had to be at least a hundred of them. The men hunched down, moving slow, making sure not to gain any unwanted attention.

Max sent Oliver a knowing look. This mission was a bust and everyone knew it. Andy didn't share the same sentiment, men like Bishop didn't give up so easily. Heck, Andy wasn't anything like the MC leader but if it were Britney or Brandon in there he'd fight tooth and nail to get them out.

He still didn't like the odds though. And who knew what waited for them inside.

"Are we going to have to cover ourselves in tomato sauce to get through this horde." Henry shot at Oliver.

Bishop turned, -"Why on god's green earth would we cover ourselves in tomato sauce? Who came up with that stupid idea."

Oliver only offered a sigh.

"I see those wheels turning. Just 'cause there's dead out here doesn't mean a thing. I know Johnny. And I know he's still alive inside." Bishop reassured.

Max stared at him, incredulously. "You can't be serious." He hissed. "Look at the state of this place. The entire prison is likely full of rotters." - he motioned frustratingly at the building - "It's idiotic and foolish. You're going to get us all killed."

Patrick placed a hand on Max's shoulder to quiet him up. Max shook it off before glaring at him. Andy sighed, "Just let it go kid. Not worth gettin' all worked up. The man has made up his mind."

Oliver scanned the faces of the men. Searching. Clearly no one wanted to go inside but they were all too scared to stand up to Bishop.

"Are you serious. We'll never get through that horde. No matter how many rounds we use. Do you want to be ripped apart. Eaten alive?" Oliver paused, mouth set. "You can't force any of us to go in there with you." He started to rise from his crouched position.

The older man smiled. He actually liked the kid - a little. He moved towards him. "And who's going to help you in this little coup?" Bishop paused, looking at his men, smiling at Andy, Max and Henry.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He smirked. "And since you're so eager to help with saving Johnny, you get to lead the way."

"If we're going in there you better give us some weapons." Oliver held out a demanding hand.

"My men will keep the dead off of you. Don't worry about that. What you need to worry about is getting into the unit Johnny is in."

"For cryin' out loud. We don't have time for this. Either you give us weapons or you might as well shoot us where we stand. Because I swear to god I'd take a bullet before dyin' from a bite given by one of those things." Andy adamantly confessed.

Bishop averted his gaze from the young soldier to the scruffy, battle worn cop. He may have been shorter than Bishop -by a few inches- but he carried himself as if he were a giant and he wasn't about to take any of his posturing. The rage boiled just below the surface but Andy had years of on the job training to help him keep it in check. Come hell or high water he sure wasn't lying his life on the line - or the three other men with him - to help spring some no good criminal from a cement tomb.

Man, Bishop was really lucky to have stumbled upon these guys. They kept him on his toes. Something his men clearly weren't up to task for.

"Fine." A smile spread across Bishop's face knowing full and well that he planned on supplying them with weapons. "You heard the man. Give our boys some guns."

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